

games arcade daycare bully kids bullies summer field trip bullying children - 36486149

'What he doesn't know is that my coworker is friends with the manager': Day care teacher gets revenge on bully

This daycare field trip really didn't go as planned: just ask the teacher running the trip to the arcade . Up next, when new hire suddenly usurped her colleagues, with one of them sharing, “ Karen is speaking as though she is my supervisor ...the board members [are] giving strange looks.”
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'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

Fostering or adopting kids in need of a home is one of the most honorable things a family can do. If every family could open up their home for one kid, the world would definitely be a better place. But even if a family does adopt a child, it only means the hard work has just begun. Even if it seems like the hard part, the adoption part is just the beginning, as now the family has to work together to make sure their new addition feels comfortable and happy in their new home, while also making su…
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heroic heroics random hero stranger cyberbully bully deserves deserved reddit epic awesome dean college sleuth detective investigator

'I put on my Harriet the Spy raincoat and went to work': Heroic stranger vanquishes a cyberbully, hanging the culprit's dirty laundry in the college Dean's office

Who has your back? We can sometimes count on our friends to be in our corner, but when they're not around, who will step up and be a hero? If you're lucky (like the girl in our next story) the heroic white knight backing you up might just be a silent stranger online.
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'She couldn't speak for hours': Student cleverly finds a way to get back at school bully

'She couldn't speak for hours': Student cleverly finds a way to get back at school bully

Who wouldn't love to get a chance to get back at the people who were mean to them when they were kids? It is unbelievable sometimes, how mean kids can be to one another, and to think about how they learned to act like that, and why. But still, as adults, you keep reminding yourself that those are just children, and you should take anything they do in perspective, even if they are behaving unkindly. Having said that, I would have loved to get a chance to get back at some of the people who made m…
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‘I got her everything she didn’t like': Woman organizes gifts for coworker who quit in an attempt to settle the score

‘I got her everything she didn’t like': Woman organizes gifts for coworker who quit in an attempt to settle the score

We all have that one coworker we can't get along with for the life of us. If you were given a chance to get back at them, would you take it? One person working at a microbiology lab got really petty when she learned that her coworker was quitting, and made sure to be the one organizing the goodbye gifts. She remembered everything that this coworker had ever said about products they did not like and got every single one of them. Why? Well, the coworker in question was doing very… questionable th…
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parenting parent parents rich poor bully wealth school teenager teen teenagers parenting-stories dad father punishement reddit deserved

'I'm done giving her handouts if she's gonna act entitled': Spoiled daughter makes fun of the poor girl at school, gets all of her privileges revoked

Raising a well-rounded child is always a conundrum. I can't speak from experience, but I imagine it would be particularly difficult to keep your teenager grounded if your family is affluent. Teenagers are inherently entitled, but imagine throwing a couple million dollars in their bank account along with the latest iPhone.
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gum epic bully revenge petty revenge high school reddit thread Reddit - 22718213

'We spent over an hour chewing through 17 packs of gum': Girl gets petty revenge on bully by covering his truck's interior in gum

This girl really let her intrusive thoughts win. And honestly, it was kinda worth it, even if it meant losing a friend in the process. Alright, it's 1999, and we've got this unpopular girl secretly dating one of the cool guys from school. Awww right? Not quite. The moment they step back into school, he pulls a total disappearing act on her. Even when his pals are shamelessly body-shaming her, she's looking to him for some support, and the guy doesn't utter a single word. What a total snob, righ…
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payback revenge petty-revenge reddit employee coworker coworkers office bully friends happy-ending

'They've gained 40lbs each': Guy gets long-term payback against the office bullies who made fun of his friend's lisp by fattening them up with free sweets

It's tough to resist the delicious treats and snacks in the break room. Whether it's because the snackies are free or because the boredom of the workplace can immediately be staunched by a delectable cinnamon roll, but it's dangerous to anyone's diet to be exposed to sugary goodness for 8 hours every day. In this case, one employee weaponized the desserts in the office...
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'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter

'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter with her high school bully

This woman is moving on from all her school drama . As the OP, u/tryingclosetomybest, shared to r/pettyrevenge, she finally got the last laugh with a man who bullied her all throughout high school. Bullies can make life incredibly challenging for any young person, especially during their formative years. In school, it's easy for kids to get away with saying or doing mean things. At least we all grow up and leave school, and realize that the world is a much larger place than our hometowns. There…
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kevin karen male-karen soccer little-league referee soccer-game game karma revenge petty-revenge reddit justice put-in-his-place gets-what-he-deserved deserved karens-in-the-wild parents kids

'He landed face first in a puddle of mud': Male Karen gets put in his place after bullying an underaged referee at a kid's soccer game; karma comes back with a vengeance

There's nothing worse than unnecessarily rowdy adults at a children's soccer team. Perhaps everyone thinks their child is a star athlete and is under the impression that their little golden goose is going to the big leagues one day. That may be, but for now, chill out Kevin, your boy is 8 and he's picking the grass in the goal. Sit back down and relax.
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Top Petty Stories of the Week (June 2, 2023)

Top Petty Stories of the Week (June 2, 2023)

Seasons may change and summer may have just begun, but pettiness is here to stay!
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AITA for sharing screenshots of this girl's absurdly tone deaf apology for bullying me 10 years ago?

Former High School Bully Gives Tone Deaf Apology 10 Years Later, Victim Gets Revenge by Sending it Around

Karma is not kind!
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pro revenge aita bully revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit bullying - 20070917

‘AITA for getting my bully kicked out of his dream school?’: Student compiles evidence of his bully’s remarks, sends it to the college of his choice

This bully is going to regret some of his decisions. Sure, what the Redditor did was harsh, but you know what’s worse? Being relentlessly bullied for years. In our book, this dude got what he deserved. The hero who got his much-deserved revenge shared his story via this thread on Reddit’s r/pettyrevenge subreddit after it was originally posted on the AITA subreddit. Our only real concern here is that the bully might discover that the Redditor had something to do with this. OP should not have wi…
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A guy tries to underpay an artist for a poster design. Artist rightfully declines the offer. Than the guy goes on a full temper tuntrum, starts harrasing the artist, uses ML as ammunition against the artists, claims the artist "gave the idea to them by declining the low offer". Yeah.

'You ARE the Zombie Apocalypse': Manchild Choosing Beggar refuses to pay artist, then uses AI art and goes on temper tantrum online

Every so often, you come across a choosing beggar who goes on a full-on temper tantrum.
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I Married My Bully's Sister

'I married my bully's sister': Redditor prepares to get revenge on homophobic brother-in-law

There's a reason why they say that the best revenge is living well...
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‘Bro, I Earn More Than You’ : Rich Dude Is Fed up With SIL and Brother for Bullying Him and His Wife, Destroys Them in Front of Entire Family

‘Bro, I Earn More Than You’ : Rich Dude Is Fed up With SIL and Brother for Bullying Him and His Wife, Destroys Them in Front of Entire Family

You asked for it...
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