
broke memes

20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions Broke Folks Made

20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions Broke Folks Made

We all know what it's like to want nice things but to not have the means to purchase them responsibly. It could be as big as a certain pop star's highly in-demand concert tickets or as small as ordering from Grubhub. Regardless of the situation, we all know what the mental process is like when you want to buy something you really can't afford. And trust me, if there's one thing I'm qualified to talk about, it's living above my means, First, you start to sweat in areas you didn't think you could…
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‘How much is your cheapest cocktail?’ 40+ Broke Memes and Fails

‘How much is your cheapest cocktail?’ 40+ Broke Memes and Fails

This weekend broke me. No, literally. I’m as broke as it gets.
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Funniest Relatable Memes For The Broke People Who Know That Money Does In Fact Buy Happiness (October 31, 2022)

Funniest Relatable Memes For The Broke People Who Know That Money Does In Fact Buy Happiness (November 2, 2022)

Tired of working a lot for very little reward
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Memes For Broke People Who Are Contemplating Cryopreserving Their Bodies

Broke Memes For People Who Are Contemplating Whether Or Not To Cryopreserve Their Bodies

Wake Up To A Better Broke-less Future
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Broke Memes for People Who Are Slightly Delusional About What They Can Afford

Broke Memes for People Who Are Slightly Delusional About What They Can Afford

Broke people are funnier
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Broke Memes for the Financially Challenged and Emotionally Damaged

Broke Memes for the Financially Challenged and Emotionally Damaged

Easy, breezy, broke af
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