
Girlfriend buries beans to protect them, breaks up with boyfriend over argument | Posted by u/ThrowRA_BeanDrama 17 hours ago TIFU by demanding my girlfriend show where she buried our beans woods, causing her break up with admit posted version this on relationship subreddit other day, but they closed with no explanation assume because they just decided fake can see they might think but this is true thing happened and is happening, and now there is more because actually got broken up with over .

Girlfriend Buries Beans in Woods, It Escalates

Guy accidentally gets in his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend's car | r/tifu JOIN u/AngryKitten1207 321d TIFU BY GETTING MY EX GIRLFRIENDS NEW BOYFRIENDS CAR So this actually happened about week and half ago. Some pre knowledge dated my next door neighbor about year and half, but then eventually broke up. So other day really hungry and wanted some Panda Express Orange chicken texted my friend see if he wanted go get some panda with and he replied sure

Guy Accidentally Gets In Ex-Girlfriend's New Boyfriend's Car

Woman throws her boyfriend a surprise party for two, and he gets upset that nobody else is there | AITA throwing my boyfriend Nailed themed birthday 2 last night? Not hole my boyfriend's 36th birthday yesterday and ended up crying like 5 times over events transpired. He loves show Nailed and thought would be cute and fun plan him “his own episode" with two cake challenges just two us at home since couldn't go anywhere due current circumstances.

Woman Throws Boyfriend Surprise Party For Two, He Gets Upset

Woman helps her friend catfish a cheating boyfriend.

Girl Helps Her Friend Catfish Cheating Boyfriend

A collection of Twitter users share their last texts they've sent to their exes.

Twitter Users Share Their Last Texts To Exes

Guy lives to regret quoting Thanos to his girlfriend while they're arguing.

Guy Regrets Quoting Thanos While Arguing With Girlfriend

Guy is convinced that his girlfriend joined a sex cult, and asks for advice on Reddit.

Guy's Convinced That His Girlfriend Joined A Sex Cult

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Girl Says Perfect Man Lasts Longer Than 5 Minutes In Front Of Boyfriend

Boyfriend photobombs his girlfriend with engagement ring pictures, without her knowing about it.

Boyfriend Photobombs Girlfriend With Engagement Ring For A Month

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Landlord Won't Pay to Fix Washing Machine, So Woman Racks Up Laundry Bill to Force His Hand

boyfriend tells girlfriend to stop loving other men in her life

Man Tells His Girlfriend That She Needs To "Unlove" All The Men From Her Past

Panicked boyfriend accidentally leaves his girlfriend at a random gas station in the desert of Arizona.

Guy Accidentally Forgets His Girlfriend At A Gas Station In The Desert And Freaks Out When He Realizes His Mistake

Girl accidentally traumatizes her ex-boyfriend by taking him on a date that traps him with tons of butterflies.

Girl Accidentally Traumatizes Moth-Phobic Boyfriend By Enclosing Him In Space With Tons Of Butterflies

AITA post about charging GF for food or have her bring her own

Guy's Viral Post About Wanting To Charge Girlfriend For Snacks Backfires When She Finds It

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17 People Share Terrible Ways to Break Up With Someone

power point presentation explaining why a couple should get a kitten

Guy's Girlfriend Makes Powerpoint On Why They Should Get A Kitten