
12 reddit text images bf pet fish debacle | thumbnail blue background "(26F) have outright banned him doing this for the simple fact i've seen this obsession before from him, it's what led to our pet mini lop rabbit Tootsie, and he doesn't clean out her hutch or litter tray at all and barely plays with her, she was his pet but has honestly ended up becoming mine as I couldn't stand to see her neglected, I know he'll end up doing the same with a fish tank and they'll not be cleaned out "

Woman Puts Her Foot Down When Irresponsible Boyfriend Requests Pet Fish And Aquarium

13 reddit text images of boyfriend giving girlfriend ultimatum over cat | thumbnail blue background "fter she got the cat she kept asking me what's wrong. I told her it was so inconsiderate of her to get the cat because I am allergic and what if we decide to move in together one day? I said I don't see this working out if she plans to keep the cat. She told me I'm overreacting and we just started dating so I shouldn't try to "control" her "

Entitled Dude Gives Girlfriend Of Two Months Cat UItimatum: It's Him Or The Cat

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Girlfriend Ghosts After Bad Boyfriend Steals Her Credit Card and Spends Over $500 on Some Fresh Kicks

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Boyfriend Gets Grossed Out By Cat Ownership, Internet Says Dump Him

11 reddit text based images discussion aita jerk bf | thumbnail  blue background "aita for putting all my snacks in the fridge in a lockable box, At first I talked to him nicely about this telling him next time could he leave some and not eat everything, but when he was dismissive it led to an argument where things got a bit heated on both sides i'm ashamed to admit and he finally told me it was only snacks and he'd eat whatever he pleased in the fridge"

Jerk BF Eats All Of GF's Snacks, She Buys Lockable Box To Secure Food, BF Unreasonably Dismissive

cruel girlfriend throws cat on street, boyfriend kicks her out

Girlfriend Moves In And Kicks Out Cat, Boyfriend Kicks Out Girlfriend

A boyfriend wants his girlfriend to pay him for an Uber ride, but she rightfully refuses.

Boyfriend Wants Girlfriend To Pay Him For Ride, She Refuses

Boyfriend expects his new girlfriend to contribute $200 to a wedding gift for his bud.

Boyfriend Expects Girlfriend To Contribute $200 To His Bud's Wedding Gift

entitled boyfriend eats cake before birthday starts

Entitled Boyfriend Starts Eating Birthday Cake Before Party Even Happens

Men describe the most bizarre dates that they've ever been on.

Weirdest Dates Men Have Ever Been On

Guy abandons his girlfriend on top of a mountain to watch the football game | AITA abandoning my girlfriend on top mountain know this sounds bad but hear out on this one wasn't even big mountain. Basically l've been going on hikes alone on weekend mornings while my girlfriend eats pancakes. On Sunday went do peak 's easy if vet like but still takes few hours went early so could be back football game at one could not miss this game. So woke up early go and my girlfriend gets up with and is like

Dude Abandons Girlfriend On Top Of Mountain To Watch Football

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TikToker Catches "Cheating" Boyfriend Through WiFi Settings

Woman tells her boyfriend that she'd date his twin.

Woman Tells Boyfriend She'd Date His Twin

Girlfriend spends little time on boyfriend's gift, so boyfriend gets sad. | AITA being angry about gift my gf gave Not hole So some months ago my girlfriend and had our 1 year anniversary, and course exchanged gift. She hinted she would have loved ring, nothing too crazy, and got her ring addition big frame with 12 picture one picture every month been together (yes know may sound lame lol sort minimalist and don't really have anything need so she asked if there something l'd like said whatever

Girlfriend Spends Minimal Effort On Boyfriend's Gift, Boyfriend Gets Sad

Guy goes to sleep and his girlfriend proceeds to have a complete meltdown | r/relationship_advice posted by ThrowRaRedditor My 20F girlfriend blocked 20M on everything because said going sleep early

Guy Goes To Sleep, Girlfriend Has Meltdown

Girl's ex buys himself a gift, gives it to her, and then petty revenge ensues. | r/pettyrevenge Join u/ImOnAnAllCarbDiet 5d 5 1 S 7 8 3 Ex bought himself gift as gift So did same This happened couple Christmases ago but someone told post this story here so Here am. About 4 months before Christmas 2018, my boyfriend at time accidentally spilt drink on his laptop and wrecked thing. He couldn't afford new one and his main source entertainment, so said he could borrow mine since didn't use often.

Ex Buys Himself Gift As Gift To Girlfriend, Petty Revenge Ensues