

‘Malicious Compliance Mode Activated’ : Employee Fired for Messing With Wrong Coworker After Getting Berated for Not Following Company Safety Guidelines

‘Malicious Compliance Mode Activated’ : Employee Fired for Messing With Wrong Coworker After Getting Berated for Not Following Company Safety Guidelines

Do warning signs baffle you? Specifically, the type that read 'Do not stand in, on or around while operating'? It seems like kind of a given. Well, you haven't met my coworkers. Company safety matters should be taken seriously — guidelines are in place for a reason. That reason is usually that it is potentially saving employees from ending up as a pile of mush, buried 6 feet under. If someone had to make a sign, there is usually a reason. Well, apparently my coworkers are not the only ones in n…
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‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

The service industry is pretty volatile, as the environment is not exactly a professional one. If you've never had a job in this line of work, let me tell you, you are not missing out. What goes on behind the scenes ain't pretty. For some weird reason, managers in restaurants generally seem to be on some power trip. Their ego quickly outgrows their head, leading to repetitive conflict. u/Dio_bean took to Reddit, sharing his own experience with a terrible manager who instructed him to do a ‘deep…
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