
'I’m shocked into total silence': Manager insists on eating while customers queue in line, demands to talk to engineer's manager because 'her lunch break was ruined'

'I’m shocked into total silence': Manager insists on eating while customers queue in line, demands to talk to engineer's manager because 'her lunch break was ruined'

'Get this to me as ASAP as possible': 20+ unwise comments from horrible bosses

'Get this to me as ASAP as possible': 20+ unwise comments from horrible bosses

'My colleagues found it hilarious': Worker faces 'worst case scenario' during storm, takes eight hours to get to work

'My colleagues found it hilarious': Worker faces 'worst case scenario' during storm, takes eight hours to get to work

'She was finally caught on camera': 20+ Employees who got stuck with the worst coworkers ever

'She was finally caught on camera': 20+ Employees who got stuck with the worst coworkers ever

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee labels restaurant food to pass an audit

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee maliciously complies with labelling restaurant food to pass an audit

'He's contradicted himself... his face went bright red': Retail employee begins clocking in four minutes late every day to protest boss's time-clock policy

'He's contradicted himself... his face went bright red': Retail employee begins clocking in four minutes late every day to protest boss's time-clock policy

'I was called into my bosses office... there was a printout of my post': 25+ Oversharing employees whose social media posts got them fired

'I was called into my bosses office... there was a printout of my post': 25+ Oversharing employees whose social media posts got them fired

'Everyone who came to my register [got] 20% off': 20 Employees who quit on their first day of work

'Everyone who came to my register [got] 20% off': 20 Employees who quit on their very first day of work

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'We wait even longer for a third tow truck to arrive': Service tech tries to reschedule appointment located on steep hill, gets themself and numerous other vehicles stuck

'We wait even longer for a third tow truck to arrive': Service tech tries to reschedule appointment located on steep hill, gets themself and numerous other vehicles stuck

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss wants employee to ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss insists employee ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'He eventually settled for a multimillion dollar payout': Company accidentally gives lawyer employee free pension after trying to push him out of his job

'He eventually settled for a multimillion dollar payout': Company accidentally gives lawyer employee free pension after trying to push him out of his job

reddit reddit-thread thread malicious-compliance malicious-compliance-reddit boss manager supervisor fired fire firing hiring program programming

'The factory chief laughed in my face': Irreplaceable employee creates a program to aid factory operations, gets fired and takes his intellectual property with him

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

work work-memes boss manager supervisor employee relatable-work-memes relatable work-sucks funny-work-memes

28 Silly Memes That Confirm That Your Boss is Just Thee Kids in a Trench Coat

'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom':  30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job after answering questions wrong

'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom': 30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job thanks to their hilariously wrong answers