
boss work from home workplace-stories jobs employee work stories toxic-workplace job sickness horrible-management Horrible Bosses sick home - 21512453

'My boss keeps calling me when I'm home with pneumonia': Boss texts sick employee 15+ times asking for 'quick tasks'

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

'My boss demanded I serve all customers': Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

job work boss manager promotion promotions raise quit not-my-job malicious-compliance reddit reddit-thread

'Not my job': Jack-of-all-trades employee gets denied a promotion because he works too hard; follows instruction to 'stay in his lane', triumphantly watching the bosses scramble

'Suddenly they could give me a $2.25 raise': Boss tells employee they can't give him a raise, employee gets better job, boss coughs up the money

'Suddenly they could give me a $2.25 raise': Boss tells employee they can't give him a raise, employee gets better job, boss coughs up the money

‘I took her promotion; then I got her fired': Employee gets boss's promotion, prevents her from getting promoted, then gets her fired

‘I took her promotion; then I got her fired': Employee gets boss's promotion, prevents her from getting promoted, then gets her fired

20+ Employees and their coworkers who made large errors at work

'He manages to destroy more than $2 million in material': 20+ Employees and their coworkers who made giant mistakes at work

'This looks like a personal print job': Boss makes employees pay to use printer for personal use, employee catches boss breaking the rules

'This looks like a personal print job': Boss makes employees pay to use printer for personal use, employee catches boss breaking the rules

‘I left the payroll tab open; now everyone is quitting': Employees find out coworkers salaries after accountant complies with boss's request to cover the front desk; employees' demand raises, then quit when denied

‘I left the payroll tab open; now everyone is quitting': Employees find out coworkers salaries after accountant complies with boss's request to cover the front desk; employees' demand raises, then quit when denied

'I can't say anything. He's in dress code': Employee discovers loophole in strict manager's dress code policy, wears yoga pants to work

'I can't say anything. He's in dress code': Employee discovers loophole in strict manager's dress code policy, wears yoga pants to work

'Dad came up with a little...plan': Food delivery guy told to leave his work uniform outside

'Dad came up with a little evil plan': Food delivery guy maliciously complies after he's forced to leave his work uniform outside

'The company could not afford to grant raises at this time': Promoted employee denied raise because of company's building rent, his wife suspects lies

'It’s rough out there for employers and employees': Promoted employee denied raise because of company's building rent, his wife suspects lies

boss nepotism employee associate work quitting quit i-quit raise college educated burnt-out office toxic-workplace

'You brushed me off; now I'm leaving': Burnt out junior associate quits after his boss says he's bad at his job; boss begs him to stay

'He 100% agreed': Employee gets even with boss who contacted him during paternity leave

'He 100% agreed': Employee snaps on boss who contacts him during family leave

'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Employee gets shamed by boss for not giving her their first class upgrade

'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Employee gets shamed by boss for not giving her their first class upgrade

'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee who always shows up early, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies

'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies