
management boss antiwork manager workplace - 16142085

Ridiculous Rule For Calling in Sick Gets Unsurprisingly Changed When Worker Calls in Sick at 5 AM

boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 15839749

Delusional Boss Fires Woman For “Manifesting the Failure of Her Business” in a Joke Gone Wrong

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Unethical Things People's Bosses Asked Them To Do

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Unhinged Manager Fires Employee After He Asks For A Raise

A collection of times that real life boss fight moments occurred in the world. | tool IKEA uses put their stores together | learned today about time guy brought 2222- card yugioh deck national tournament demonstrate why game needed deck size limit

Times Real Life Boss Fight Moments Occurred

boss antiwork manager work workplace Horrible Bosses - 16140037

Overworked and Irreplaceable Laborer Gets Even, Negotiates What He’s Owed After Working 90+ Hour Weeks

boss wtf employee job work lol story funny - 16114693

Job Tries To Call Guy In For Shift After 10 Years Of Not Working There

boss antiwork manager workplace Horrible Bosses - 16072453

Guy Shows Up to Interview 10 Minutes Early, Gets Told He's Not Being Interviewed "Because He Was Late", Reports Them to Corporate

Boss demands that their employee take part in a company kart race, and then malicious compliance ensues.

Boss Demands Employee Take Part In Company Kart Race, Malicious Compliance Ensues

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Employee Quits After Work Messes With Vacation, Boss Panics While Losing Fistfuls Of Money

boss antiwork manager workplace Horrible Bosses malicious compliance - 16060421

New Owners Revoke Critical Employee's Leave, So He Takes All His Leave and Then Leaves, Costs Them Millions

management boss manager malicious compliance workplace - 16000261

New Director Wants Meetings First Thing in the Morning, Doesn't Listen to Line Manager and Delays Production

10 text based reddit images worker maliciously complies, company loses money | thumbnail blue background "Instead of smoothing it over with her client, this rep took it out on me. She sent me a very aggressive email stating that we were perfectly capable of embroidering this shirt on the left side because we had done it in the past, and to STOP blowing up her inbox with our "suggestions for a better embroidery location."

Irritated Worker Maliciously Complies By Not Sending Quality Control Emails, Company Loses 10K And Boss Demoted

Boss tells their lab manager to alter lab inventory reports and it completely backfires. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/Gemini0420 Alter inventory reports so don't have explain things M Back 2016 took over as Lab Manager previous guy running Lab as well as boss were golden children and could do no wrong. Later found out they were omitting all kinds information on monthly reports make numbers look good.

Boss Tells Lab Manager To Alter Inventory Reports, Completely Backfires

work coach says not to help coworkers, gets fired

Employee Told By Coach Not To Help Coworkers, Company Tanks, Coach Gets Fired

boss antiwork coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses - 15904773

Worker At Major Grocery Store Gets 'Canned' For Taking A Sip of a 99 Cent Can of Tea While Waiting in Line to Pay For It