
This is how my husband’s GM speaks to him and the other managers..

'The incompetence MUST STOP!': GM writes insane email to management team

Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

‘I’m Not Antisocial, I Just Don't Like You’ : Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week

‘I’m Not Antisocial, I Just Don't Like You’ : Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week

Fired after 7 years | Worker fired after attempting to give their two week's notice, former employer then reaches out to them again

Update: 'This morning I woke up to several texts': Company fires worker for giving two week's notice, then has the nerve to contact them asking for help

Funniest Weekly Memes That Provide An Explanation For That Exasperating Feeling You Get With Your Coworkers

Funniest Weekly Memes That Provide An Explanation For That Exasperating Feeling You Get With Your Coworkers

Shut the F*ck up get in the truck and do what you’re told! You got it. | Malicious compliance

'I jumped in my truck, called his boss, and went home': Jerk construction operator abuses wrong contractor, gets fired

AITA for asking my son to give me his boss's number?

'I found this reaction horrific': Entitled Karen Mom demands that her son give her his boss's phone number

funniest tweets about how work sucks

Fresh 'Anti' Work Tweets for People Who Are Always on the Edge of Quitting

i "embarrassed" my boss after coming in “late” on my day off, and working 10 hours to appease one of his “good customers”

'Update: I am now being berated after coming in on my day off, working 10 hours, and cancelling an appointment': Boss ridicules employee after they work overtime on their day off to help boss's friend, employee quits

Boss told me I couldn't take a smoke break if I wasn't smoking

'I was 'smoking'': Guy tired of coworker's smoking breaks, devises his own way to "smoke" and fool the boss

Funniest Memes for People Who Hate Their Job and Would Totally Consider Quiet Quitting, but Really Need That Paycheck

Funniest Memes for People Who Hate Their Job and Would Totally Consider Quiet Quitting, but Really Need That Paycheck

 Funniest Memes for People Who Are Always on the Verge of Giving Their 2 Weeks Notice

Funniest Memes for People Who Are Always on the Verge of Giving Their 2 Weeks Notice

“You need to be better at timekeeping….” OK then, I will… | TL:DR Boss erodes all goodwill by going for me for being 3 minutes late (despite me staying on late after hours all the time for no pay) then loses his shit when I start only doing the hours I’m contracted to do.

'You need to be better at timekeeping...': Boss reprimands employee for being three minutes late once, they stop staying late

Fire me because I did my job? Okay. Hope you don't need all of these supplies. | I love taking photos of people. To the point that I have two resumes for applying for jobs and one of them is specifically for photography work.

'The store closed down not two months later': Employee fired over technicality, takes their stuff and leaves company nonfunctional

Top Tier Workplace Memes for Anyone Who Could Severely Use a Vacation

Top Tier Workplace Memes for Anyone Who Could Severely Use a Vacation

I quit without notice and boss Is telling me I have to come back. | I quit an awful job without notice. It was anguish to my mental health. I found better work that I'm happy with and pays more.  My ex boss texted me saying I promised her I would work a full year and that she expects me to come back. I haven't replied to any of her texts or emails.

'I quit without notice and boss Is telling me I have to come back.': Employee quits a bad boss, told they have to continue working