
'It's not like this impacted him in any way': Teen loses job after parent schedules non-negotiable vacation time for him

'It's not like this impacted him in any way': Teen loses job after parent schedules non-negotiable vacation time for him

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'Everyone laughed... he was very angry': Employee maliciously complies with company's 'black footwear' policy by showing up to work in rubber diving flippers

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15+ Relatable Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With Who Can't Survive Another Zoom Call

'They were all fired': CEO gets $7.5 million bonus one day after laying off 1,200 employees

'They were all fired': CEO gets $7.5 million bonus one day after laying off 1,200 employees

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'You're still rinsing rice?': Cook's rice rinsing procedure gets out of control thanks to micromanaging boss

‘You Gave the Wrong Employee Demerit Points…’ : New Supervisor Ultimately Gets Himself Fired When He Messes With Invaluable Machinist, Leading to Malicious Compliance and Chaos in Production

‘You Gave the Wrong Employee Demerit Points…’ : New Supervisor Ultimately Gets Himself Fired When He Messes With Invaluable Machinist, Leading to Malicious Compliance and Chaos in Production

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'I asked my boss for those days off [...] but she refused:' Single mother gets PTO denied, gets petty revenge on boss, internet reacts

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Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 17, 2023)

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Boss Says "No Overtime," Shocked When Worker Complies

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'You won't get your hours': Boss demands workers call out sick before 6 AM, immediately regrets it

Top 22 Memes for Employees Working Overtime (May 11, 2023)

Top 22 Memes for Employees Working Overtime (May 11, 2023)

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'PAY ME THE MONEY YOU OWE': Employee gets $1,100 in cash after weeks of neglect on payday, boss pays 4x what she initially owed

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Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 9, 2023)

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'So I started planning my exit': Employee ghosts his boss after he repeatedly 'forgets' to pay him, sends him a resignation letter instead of showing up for an important meeting

Top 15+ Cringey Linkedin Fails For Lone Rangers on a Job Hunt

Top 15+ Linkedin Fails For Lone Rangers on a Job Hunt

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'I [had to] remind him that he confiscated [it]': Boss confiscates employee's phone, wonders why they're not answering it