

‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

Management naturally steers towards less actual work by ordering employees around rather than stepping up and doing what is needed for the role. So it isn't surprising when some employees begin holding a vendetta. This corporate manager got his own personal annual goals and sent them off to OP, his employee, adding to his long list of responsibilities. Every year, the manager would unfairly get a bonus for OP's hard work. In order to deliver results, OP had to leave his desk at times, even the…
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‘You’ll work when I tell you to work’ : Terrible boss makes employee work on vacation, cue malicious compliance, boss gets fired, employee gets boss's job

‘You’ll work when I tell you to work’ : Terrible boss makes employee work on vacation, cue malicious compliance, boss gets fired, employee gets boss's job

When a boss is as terrible at managing projects as he is at managing people, trust you're gonna suffer the consequences, whatever they may be. This employee had to work on his vacation to make up for the ridiculous amount of time lost thanks to awful management. He was working on a project for his company, of which he and his team were behind schedule. The reason for that being… his boss. He quickly realized that he was going to be the scapegoat for said lousy management, so he handed in his tw…
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