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Excel At Making Videogame Characters

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A Portal To Other Worlds

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From jamer

Fire Free

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From Rasley

Next Time the Kids Say They're Bored

kids parenting boredom advice - 7767416832
via surprise-adoption


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Go Raid the Office Stash of Binder Clips RIGHT NOW

via eduardoballestero

Now That's Bored

did he give the pancakes out to the other students?
via Drewham8

Rawr, I'm the Product of a Bored Road Worker!

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via Izismile

It's Finally Come to This

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via Dump a Day

That Look When Your Boyfriend Has Been Trying on Jackets for 2 Hours

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via GeoTracker8

Art of the Day: Coworkers Recreate Paintings with Objects in Office

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via Fools Do Art

Was This Your Kid Yesterday?

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via @GiveMeInternet

The Product of Absolute, Total Boredom

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via elliemirams

You're Now Giggling

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Some Kids Just Don't Dig School

boredom kids funny g rated School of FAIL - 8345849856
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