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Entitled girlfriend rides the gravy train, expecting her boyfriend to pay $550 for the whole table at her birthday dinner, he refuses: ‘[She] treats you like a wallet’

Just because he makes a 6-figure salary, doesn't mean your FRIENDS get a free dinner...
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splitting the check bill restaurant meal meals mothers day family feud parent parents parenting childless child children teenagers sister sisters drama mom moms

Parasite older sisters try to ‘split the dinner bill evenly’ even though they brought 4 teenaged kids along, childless sibling refuses: ‘[I’m not] obligated to pay for THEIR children'

Splitting the bill evenly at a restaurant is the worst.
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Petty revenge reddit phone company bill collect outstanding funny money-grubbing payback deserved tedious story relatable interesting lol humor

Phone company tries to money-grub a customer over a few cents, then he matches their energy and earns $9 in technicality fees: 'More like 'penny' revenge'

Sometimes the only response to a person's pettiness is to match their energy.
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mooch mooching in-laws restaurant splitting the bill check bills restaurant pay server paying payback family families stories story reddit revenge

Mooching in-laws order luxurious meals expecting everyone to 'split the bill evenly', earning a free serving of petty revenge at the next birthday dinner: 'Never splitting the bill again'

When you're with a big group at a restaurant it seems like the moment everyone decides to ‘split the bill evenly’, the group is divided into two camps. Half of the group insists on being frugal and ordering responsibly, while the other half of the group acts like wild banshee children racing through a candy store with $100 bill.
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customer service scammer satisfying malicious compliance revenge invoice work phone scam scams petty bill scam Reddit payback fake email - 25311237

'Fortunately, I didn't have anything urgent at work that day, so I kept calling': Man gets petty revenge against scammer after falling for fake invoice

There are so many scams out there nowadays. And with AI, they are becoming more and more believable, too. There are AI scams where scammers use relatives' voices to make it sound like they need money urgently and ask for card information, most often prying upon grandparents. There's also the infamous work gift card scam, fake charity scams, overpayment scams, and so many more. A lot of us experience the agony of getting multiple calls to our cell phones from random numbers. It can be pretty irr…
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‘He told me never to buy a helicopter, only planes’: People Share 25+ Most Entertaining ‘Rich People’ Stories

‘He told me never to buy a helicopter, only planes’: People Share 25+ Most Entertaining ‘Rich People’ Stories

Rich people doing rich people things
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'She used the extra key': Landlord enters tenant's apartment while they're at work, replaces fridge, then leaves all food outside to spoil

'She used the extra key': Landlord enters tenant's apartment while they're at work, replaces fridge, then leaves all food outside to spoil

Just because you pay someone rent every month doesn't give them the right to enter your apartment whenever they want… This landlady did exactly that, using her extra key to enter her tenant's apartment and replace the fridge. Her tenant wasn't home, and was actually at work when this happened. The tenant took to r/mildlyinfuriating to express how angry they were after they came home and found all their food out on the counter… Left to spoil. Who raised this woman? I'm sure it's not the first ti…
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work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees boss manager supervisor pay paying payback malicious-compliance reddit ignorant phone bill

'His phone bill was $1,400': Company bean-counters ignore their field salesman's advice; their ignorance costs them $1,400 on their next bill

The bean counters in the top floor offices with polished floors and ergonomic chairs don't understand what it's like to be out in the streets actually doing the labor of the company. As every blue collar employee or door-to-door salesman knows, when you work out in the real world it's going to be utter chaos– and nothing like how the office employees expected it would be.
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neighbor neighbors property neighborhood property-line tree tree-trimming court legal-action illegal court-case bill money pay reddit home-owners home house neighborhood

'[He hired] a gardener without discussing with us': New neighbor tries to slap a $700 bill on the resident next door, taking tree maintenance into his own hands and making a legal stink

"Don't cave. Assert dominance."
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reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance petty-revenge thread health healthcare health-insurance insurance bill money lawyer attorney bill pay refuse

'Infinite money glitch': Guy saves $50,000 by calling out a health insurance bill with tons of mistakes

We've all heard nightmarish tales of exorbitant health insurance bills. Usually, patients don't come out on top, but in rare cases, regular folks like you and I can stick it to the big man up in the insurance towers. All it takes is a big lawyer voice, a little patience on the phone, and a pair of hefty stones.
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‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

Insurance companies like to convince us how much we ‘need them', promising us a path to the land of milk and honey. The time comes to reap some of those benefits they assured were ours, and then voila, they ghost us, lie to us, or tell us that we are not entitled to said benefits. Sigh, tsk, tsk, cough. Why must we always fight tooth and nail for what is rightfully ours? What are we even paying them for if they end up being no help? One person took to Reddit, r/maliciouscompliance, explaining h…
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hospital insurance usa america health health-insurance scam bill paid emergency helicopter ambulance insurance-company

'My bill was paid in full': Clever hospital patient uses logic and sarcasm to pay for his astronomical health insurance bill

Anyone who's urgently ordered an Uber while they're going into anaphylactic shock can attest that it's not an ideal situation to have to call an ambulance. For some, the ambulance is just too dang expensive and I certainly can't blame them! Unless you're hopping in an emergency vehicle that's covered by your insurance, it's possible that you'd be better off calling a Lyft.
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'No added gratuity': Waiter demands to be compensated after getting stiffed on a $3,600 event, then quits when owner refuses

'No added gratuity': Waiter demands to be compensated after getting stiffed on a $3,600 event, then quits when owner refuses

"I used to be a server like you, and I've gotten stiffed by tables before. It just happens and you need to get used to it" were a restaurant owner's words when one of the waiters approached him after being stiffed on a $3,600 event. Talk about a good manager, huh? OP took to r/Serverlife after a frustrating incident at work happened, where he was forced to wait on a large party with a reservation booking in the restaurant's event room. Per usual, the restaurant was ridiculously understaffed, an…
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Sad customer service phone call emotional cable bill story money - 8940037

Kind Customer Service Guy Solves Widow's Nightmare of a Bill

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customer service bros server revenge work tools restaurant bill expensive liquor funny rude money stupid check - 8945413

Tools Rack Up Boss's Tab, in turn Boss Has Them Pay Their Own $3K Check

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government FAIL fresh prince rap cringe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air bill utah - 4938245

Utah State Government Fresh Prince Parody Fail

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