
big quit

antiwork jobs employee toxic-workplace job i quit quit employees toxic-boss workplace big quit quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20545285

'Okay, I quit': Overworked worker denied a raise, immediately quits

Being denied a raise that you've legitimately earned often won't cause you to quit on the spot—but you might wish that you could. Often an organization won't see your contribution from your point of view, you might be coming from the standpoint of your raw productivity, but they're considering the entire weight of the top-heavy organization you've got presiding over you that they think is enabling that productivity to happen (and they have a point.) Plus, they have a standard to set; from their…
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Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

There's something to be said here about following through on promises. When this company promised this worker a raise a year ago and then refused to follow through, all they were doing was stacking dominos that were ready to fall. It doesn't take that much effort to follow through on promises so it's hard to imagine what these idiots were thinking here. It doesn't seem unfair to expect a promised raise, especially in light of their contribution to dramatically increased production. Honestly, it…
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Company didn't hire me for the next position and now want me to train up the person they did

'I'm quitting...': Veteran employee passed up for promotion then is asked to train their new boss

Being passed up for an internal promotion that you've been preparing for and waiting for for years is always going to sting and make you reconsider your employment—but being asked to train the person they've externally hired over you will definitely grind enough salt in the wound that it will drive you to quit. That's what happened when this employee was passed over for a senior role at their company and asked to train their boss-to-be. They shared their story in a short thread that they posted…
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antiwork toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses viral job interview interview Reddit reddit thread great resignation big quit work reform - 17684997

Viral Thread: Worker Quits on Second Day After Lies From Interview Are Exposed

This restoration apprentice reported that they left their new role on the second day after they discovered the employer had lied about the working hours during the interview process. They shared their experience on the popular r/antiwork subreddit where it received a lot of attention. “Not fired but berated in public?” remarked mkbloodyen. “Sounds like they are hurting for staff.” “Having worked with a couple of these restoration companies, I have to say, I have never seen a decent one, ever,”…
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great resignation texting fail work workplace Horrible Bosses job interview big quit interview text fail - 16387077

Insane Interviewer Insists on Interviewing Over Text, Offended By "Unprofessional Response"

If you're conducting an interview via text messaging and want to complain about something being unprofessional, oh boy, do you have a rude wake-up call ahead of you. When u/Coconut_Groove posted their details to an online recruitment service, they were contacted by this hiring manager who was looking to recruit for a position. The position was offering to pay $9.95 an hour in Montana, which has a lower than $10 minimum wage. u/Coconut_Groove knew they weren't going to be interested in the posit…
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antiwork great resignation Horrible Bosses big quit work reform - 16530693

Guy Quits on the Spot When Boss Calls Him a Liar, Never Signed the Non-Compete

Redditor and r/antiwork subscriber u/usedallmypowerups posted this story to the popular subreddit today. r/antiwork is a subreddit that has been gaining huge momentum on Reddit as the “Great Resignation" goes into full swing.
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boss antiwork manager great resignation malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses work reform big quit - 16475397

Employee Denies Karen Service 5 Minutes Before Close, Store Manager Demands Overtime to Help Any and All Customers

She got exactly what she asked for.
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great resignation anti work workplace Horrible Bosses big quit social issues malicious compliance - 16454661

Company Tells Woman She is Replaceable, She Starts Her Own Business and Makes Them the Replaceable Ones

Who is replaceable now?
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insane boss manager anti work workplace Horrible Bosses work reform big quit tiktok great resignation - 16443397

Insane Company Suspends Worker For Not Participating in “Mandatory” Company TikTok

Say “Mandatory Company TikTok” and try to keep a straight face.
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boss manager malicious compliance anti work supervisor workplace work reform big quit social issues - 16442117

Manufacturing Line Worker Flips the Script on Supervisor

You’ve activated my trap card!
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boss antiwork manager malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses work reform big quit - 16441861

Boss Makes Employee Work During Lunch Break, Tells Them Not to Eat Off Break

Isn’t that illegal?
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great resignation coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses big quit coworker - 16429829

Coworker Tries to Get IT Guy Fired, He Turns the Table On Them With Secret Evidence

Did it not raise red flags that she was involved in multiple harassment cases?
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antiwork great resignation malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16424709

New Owner Orchestrates Own Obliteration, Fires Employee Who Owns Essential Patents

Swaying to the symphony of destruction.
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boss manager great resignation malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16396805

Senior Designer Uses Gendered Slur on Junior Designer, Calls Her Lazy, Surprised When HR Gets Involved

Really? You think you did nothing wrong?
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customer service manager great resignation retail managers big quit antiwork Horrible Bosses - 16387333

Retail Worker Told That They Need to Be Permitted to Leave, Manager Gets Mad When They Listen

The classic catch-22.
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great resignation malicious compliance workplace big quit - 16343301

HR Downgrades Performance Review, Employee Threatens Performance Downgrade, VP Intervenes

"I will henceforth begin taking on only 80% or 4/5ths of the current workload I have been assigned."
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