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Cyclist serves up instant karma on a road-raging lunatic after he nearly causes a bike crash: 'I could see him raging and banging his steering wheel'

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager asks everyone to start work at the same time

'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager demands everyone starts work at the same time, cue "mass malicious compliance"

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'AITA?' Cyclist wonders if they're wrong for blocking traffic in snowy conditions and drawing the rage of drivers

Bicycle parking thief gets his bike locked up as revenge

Bicycle Parking Thief Gets The Gift Of His Bike Locked Up

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Dude Builds Jet Engine Bicycle, It Works

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Wrong Way Bicyclist Hits Jaywalking Guy, They Decide It Cancels Out

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Stranded Cyclist Begins To Cry and Cameraman Just Watches

Twitch stream of people joking that they all saw the same bike accident.

Funny Donation Train Trolls Twitch Streamer

story about cyclist getting hit by car then winning the lawsuit

Jerk Driver Messes Up Bicyclist, Gets Hit Back In The Wallet

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15 Brutal Fails That Left a Mark

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"Pay Attention" Cyclist Gets Instant Karma

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Jesus Bike Transportation Fail!

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Extreme Mountain Biking Studio Entrance Fail

Phone Thief Gets a Taste of Instant Karma And Is Thrown Off His Bike

Phone Thief Gets a Taste of Instant Karma And Is Thrown Off His Bike

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This is the First Clue Your Kid Might Become a Daredevil

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