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'Would you flip burgers for $300k a year? Yes? Then it's pay that's the problem': 24 Clever comebacks to the classic line, 'nobody wants to work anymore'

Whether you're a manager at a retail store or a lunch lady at a middle school, there are days when your time on the clock simply doesn't feel worth it. But if you were the CEO of a Fortune 500 company making thousands of dollars a second, perhaps your work time would feel a little more fulfilling–filling your pockets.
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19 Life tips that are so smart, they feel illegal: 'Professional house cleaning is cheaper than you think'

Cheat codes for real life
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'Sleeping in': 20+ Things that are objectively better than getting freaky in the sheets

Nothing beats the satisfaction of watching a reckless driver get caught at the same red light as everybody else
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Top 5 Best Belly Flop Fails (and Wins) We Saw This Week (July 15, 2022), You’re Gonna Get Soaked: An Epic Big Man Flopping, a Drunk Girl Dropping, and Even a Dog Sending It Into the Lake

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