

'Don't mess with my gardens': City officials tell family their garden is 'overgrowing,' family brings in experts to protect their plants

'Don't mess with my gardens': City officials tell family their garden is 'overgrowing,' family brings in experts to protect their plants

This home is a gardener's paradise. With two gardens enveloping their family home, this person shared that their family tended to their yard each and every day. So they must have been quite confused when their city reached out to them to condemn the way they were maintaining their lush lawn . Those who have space for a garden have an amazing resource at their fingertips. Alongside growing veggies and herbs for meals, you can plant a variety of flowers or shrubs to make your yard look and smell…
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'The mom is starting to realize she may have overreacted': Family requests immediate help for bee sting, dorm employee embarrasses them

'The mom is starting to realize she may have overreacted': Family insists on immediate help for bee sting, dorm employee embarrasses them

We can't all be calm under pressure. It's especially difficult to be calm when you're also hurting, as u/ihatevegtables shared in a story to r/MaliciousCompliance. They recall the time they were working a college move out day . If you aren't familiar with the concept, that's when you're a student living in a dorm, and you have to move out at an assigned time at the end of the semester. You have to pack everything up — clothes, mini fridge, text books — and toss it in a big bin on wheels. If you…
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Karens always wanted free stuff

'Do I have legal ground to sue?': Karen accuses neighbor's bees of trespassing and stealing from her flowers

I swear, Karens just live for lawsuits.
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bee, bee swarm, bees, swarm of bees, street food, thai, thailand, exotic, travel, fail, viral, food poisoning, food, food fail, foodie

Not the Bees!! Street Food in Bangkok is Swarmed With Bees, But Still Looks Delicious Enough to Catch a Flight to Thailand Instead of Catching Food Poisoning

Bee suit is not included in the price of a plane ticket
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news wtf absurd car accident bees lol ridiculous - 107256577

The Time A Guy Crashed Into Bees

It's like it's straight out of an Adam Sandler movie.
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A clueless Tumblr user thinks that honey is made from squashed up bees | fallout-new-vegas-2010 Follow vegans make peace with honey no shut up do fallout-new-vegas-2010 Follow Vegans be like can't take product bee's labor" and then eat child slave quinoa atomicwinterwonderland vegans will pretend not hear natives tell them their agave products are unsustainable because they have whimsical feelings about, and cannot stress this enough freedom hive insects

Tumblr User Thinks Honey's Made From Bees

But not the right way.
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puffy dogs and cats from run-ins with bees

Pets that had Run-Ins with Bees

Lesson learned, hopefully.
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Son says that he hears bees at night, and the parents doubt him. They end up getting stung by hundreds from the attic | r/tifu posted by dudecheckthis TIFU by not believing my son heard bees Some really liked my FU about strip club with kids, so thought share another! Could probably have whole dad series, though not sure should brag about

Son Says He Hears Bees At Night, Parents Don't Believe Him, Stinging Ensues

Should've taken the kid more seriously!
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Moronic woman believes that honey is bee's blood.

Woman Insists That Honey Is Bee's Blood

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Dogs who were stung by bees and have swollen faces.

Poor Dogs Who Had Run-Ins With Bees (12 Images)

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insects FAIL bees ridiculous Video - 99228929

Yellowjackets Keep Harassing Guy At Lunch

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Beekeeper tired of bears always stealing his honey turns them into taste testers.

Beekeeper Tired Of Bears Stealing His Honey Turns Them Into Taste Testers

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nest of yellow jackets video

Professional Takes Down Scary Huge Yellow Jacket Nest

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unfortunate moment, unlucky, grandma got stood up

27 Unfortunate Moments That Obliterated People's Good Times

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funny signs

25 Signs That Are Scarier Than They Need to Be

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revenge from a beekeeper

Calculated Bee Keeper Takes Revenge On Unruly Kids Who Knocked Over His Hives

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