

Dad Insults Mom's Cooking, Mom Serves Dad Rotten Beans and Divorce Papers: 'Now you know what rotten [food] tastes like'

Dad Insults Mom's Cooking, Mom Serves Dad Rotten Beans and Divorce Papers: 'Now you know what rotten [food] tastes like'

Never criticize the person who makes you dinner; otherwise, you might be in for a rotten surprise. This Redditor recounted the tale of how their father relentlessly critiqued his wife's beans whenever she made them. They seemed to be perfectly fine for everyone else in the family, but for him, they were always “rotten.” So OP's mother decided it was time to give him a taste of his own medicine and to show him what rotten beans actually tasted like. The best part of the story is the subsequent r…
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FAILS sign lemonade call me FAIL wonder woman signs washington beans sign fail funny funny signs paper signs handwriting - 22167557

'Non action and stop excitement': 20 Garbled signs that almost make sense

Creating a sign shouldn't be this difficult. We can't all be sign experts! And sometimes you need a quick sign ASAP. So you scribble one out with a marker, and carry on with your day. Sometimes the sign-maker is a bad speller. Others simply got too creative with the placement of each word, making it nearly impossible to figure out what the flyer is trying to say. People captured photos of these signs found out in the wild. Some say these posters and flyers are still up today, haunting the walls…
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Stephanie Matto sold fart jars, then almost had a heart attack, now she sells fart jar NFTs.

TikTok Influencer Steph Matto Who Made $200k Selling Her Farts In a Jar Is Hospitalized Due to Her Fart-Inducing Diet

Too much farting apparently equals heart attack symptoms…
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strange wtf cursed images

Dreadful Cursed Images To Inspire Discomfort

Well that's weird.
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Brands on Twitter Respond to beans on Weetabix | Weetabix @weetabix Why should bread have all fun there's Weetabix? Serving up @HeinzUK Beanz on bix breakfast with twist ltHasToBeHeinz #HaveYouHadYourWeetabix NATION'S FAVOURITE CEREAL Weetabix | Domino's Pizza UK O @Domi 19h Replying weetabix and @HeinzUK Us: Pineapple on pizza is most controversial food ever. Weetabix: Hold my spoon. 187 27 5,395 60.1K Weetabix O @weetabix 19h almost scared ask Weetabix verdict on pineapple on Weetabix may be

Twitter Brands Pore Over Weetabix's Bean Drama

How did we get here as a society?
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Girlfriend buries beans to protect them, breaks up with boyfriend over argument | Posted by u/ThrowRA_BeanDrama 17 hours ago TIFU by demanding my girlfriend show where she buried our beans woods, causing her break up with admit posted version this on relationship subreddit other day, but they closed with no explanation assume because they just decided fake can see they might think but this is true thing happened and is happening, and now there is more because actually got broken up with over .

Girlfriend Buries Beans in Woods, It Escalates

That is some heavy bean drama.
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beans in a lava lamp and in a croc shoe

16 Pics of Beans That Failed to Stay in Their Lane

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rolling beans into a cigarette

Beans in Places They Shouldn't Be In

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funny beans and sausage

A Bean/Sausage Counter's Strange And Magically Captivating Story Goes Viral

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cooking roast

Woman's Attempt At Breakfast Gets Roasted Beyond Recognition

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weird cursed images

26 Cursed Images That Are Just a Dog Pile of Weird

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wtf cursed images

34 Cursed Images to Get Your WTF Motor Runnin'

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wtf beans funny weird - 4920325

10 Pics of Beans In Things They Shouldn't Be In

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throwback disney FAIL cringe beans - 1152261

Watching These Mid-2000s Disney Channel Stars Get Real Irritated Is Bound to Bring on All the Cringe

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Engrish Funny: Aww, Sweet!

beans engrish funny pork - 6129435904
Created by Meagan0


beans burglar facepalm failboat g rated oops pills Probably bad News - 4657303296
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