
basketball game

'You reap what you sow': Basketball players go on a massive winning streak after one player quits team on a whim, claiming team was 'holding him back'

'You reap what you sow': Basketball players go on a massive winning streak after one player quits team on a whim, claiming team was 'holding him back'

Well, well, look what the cat dragged in… A person who got instant karma and regretted leaving a basketball team that he was so adamant about putting down when he was a part of it. No, you will not be rejoining a winning team that has been doing much better since you left, thanks. Basketball was my favorite game during my teenage years. I was only playing for fun at the time because I was way too short to make it onto a team anyway. But I remember how satisfying the feeling was when the ball ac…
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'Watch the game somewhere else': March Madness watch party gets cut short when overly-passionate basketball fan goes feral and kicks out his buddy's girlfriend for supporting the wrong team

'Watch the game somewhere else': March Madness watch party gets cut short when overly-passionate basketball fan goes feral and kicks out his buddy's girlfriend for supporting the wrong team

Everyone gets fired up over March Madness. In a world where sports outcomes can be fairly predictable, college basketball championships combine high pressure gameplay and decision-making skills, with the hotheaded nature of 20-year-old giants who are flooded with testosterone. What could possibly go wrong?
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