

'I got just the cut for you': 30+ memorable haircuts and barber flops

'I got just the cut for you': 30+ memorable haircuts and barber flops

No one forgets a horrendous haircut experience. It's the kind of story from your past that occasionally creeps its way into your memory out of nowhere and instantly causes you to cringe and shiver. If you are lucky enough to have never had a bad haircut experience , imagine sitting in that chair and having your barber swivel you around so you can finally see yourself in the mirror. Then, imagine not being able to recognize yourself or anything you instructed your barber in what you see in the r…
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'[She] wanted a legit bowl cut': 20+ Comical haircuts that hair stylists were hesitant to do

'[She] wanted a legit bowl cut': 20+ Comical haircuts that hair stylists were hesitant to do

Here's your fun fact of the day: did you know there's a style called the “jellyfish haircut”? If I had to see it, so do you .
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bad hair haircut haircuts funny worst comedy style stylist salon barber lol awful worst

30 Laughably Terrible Haircuts That Put Barbers n' Stylists in a Hairy Situation

They're taking 'worst haircut of your life' to the next level
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'That'll be $120 please': 15+ barbers and hairdressers who messed up their customers' hair and tried to hide it

'That'll be $120 please': 15+ barbers and hairdressers who messed up their customers' hair and tried to hide it

Bad hair days come and go, but the experience of receiving a bad haircut lives forever. The shock of looking in the mirror and seeing something so far beyond what you asked for is seared in the memories of countless disgruntled customers. That being said, with this story, we're going to shift the focus from the customer to the barber. Everyone makes mistakes on the job, and sometimes, forgiveness is the best you can ask for after you mess up on the job. For these hairdressers, the experiences o…
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'My boss's boss... saw my fringed mullhawk': Job tells food service employee to cut her hair, she gets the most surprising haircut imaginable

Update: 'My boss's boss... saw my fringed mullhawk': Job tells food service employee to cut her hair, she gets the worst haircut imaginable

No one commits to the bit harder than this food service worker . U/Victoriaisde*d shared an incredible malicious compliance story about the time she was working in a food service position. As with basically every food service job , there are strict rules that you absolutely must comply with. If you're around food, you're supposed to wear your hair tied back and/or in a hair net, and some places even make you cover up your facial hair with a seperate net. It's annoying as an employee, but we all…
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'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went off the rails

'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went wrong

Everyone makes mistakes, barbers and hair stylists included. There are lots of jobs where mistakes are fine or even encouraged. Barbering is not one of those jobs. Hair stylists have the important role of helping you find the look that will suit you best and leave you happy and confident in your looks. It's easy to tell the difference when your hair has been butchered. People give you weird looks, compared to getting lots of compliments when you've had a good haircut . Sure, hair grows back if…
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Woman walks out of hair appointment after stylist comments on her 'weedwhacker' haircut

'I'm not a Karen I swear': Woman walks out of hair appointment after stylist roasts her 'weedwhacker' haircut

This woman is wondering if she's the reason her latest haircut went so poorly. Recently on Twitter, people were discussing “haircut trauma,” with some people mocking the idea, and more serious folks knowing exactly what that meant. Hair is a very important indicator of oneself, after all, it's one of the first things people notice about you, and one of the ways you are judged upon first impressions. So if you've ever had a hair stylist botch your hair really badly, you know that it can be a rou…
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Update: 'He’s started a GoFundMe that... would help [with] payroll': Hair salon forced to close after manager ignores legally binding agreement

Update: 'He’s started a GoFundMe that... would help [with] payroll': Hair salon forced to close after manager ignores legally binding agreement

Laws and regulations: how do they work? After realizing you can't just ignore the law without consequences, this clueless Kevin is asking himself that question. Legal agreements are necessary in many aspects of business, even if they are annoying to deal with. But as a business owner, you have a ton of responsibilities both to your employees and to the upkeep of the establishment. You can ignore regulations and legal matters if you want, it's your prerogative, but don't be surprised when the co…
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26 bad haircut images | thumbnail left hair in shape of face on guy's head, thumbnail right mirror selfie bad hair

Questionable Haircuts That Warrant A Raising Of Eyebrows

Optimal stupidity in haircut form
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people share bad haircut experiences

10+ People Who Hated Their Haircuts And Told Their Barbers

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FAIL McDonald's barber fast food - 4878853

McDonald's UK Epically Fails At "Say No More Fam" Meme Attempt

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haircut barber - 85686017

Watch the World's Worst Barber Slap His Client in the Fact

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The Barber's Always Right

barber haircut twitter - 8812079360
Via @lazyboy
faith in humanity restored Random Acts Of Kindness barber Video win - 72240385

Restore Your Faith In Humanity With This Badass Barber's Story

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Satisfaction Guaranteed!

monday thru friday sign barber - 8334158592
Via Izismile
barber hair haircut Video Stupid Human Tricks - 65224705

Ever Try Cutting Your Own Hair? This Guy Makes it Look Easy.

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