

A collection of awful cake fails that missed their mark by a whole lot.

Absolutely Delicious Cake Fails

So much yum.
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Tumblr user bakes bread using gatorade | ever have one those am doing with my life moments round pink loaf of bread

Bold Tumblr User Makes Gatorade Bread

That'll quench that bread thirst.
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the great british bakeoff fail flapjack soup

Guy Makes Literal Flapjack Soup

A meringue that tastes like the ocean.
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Coworker asks for a cake, and proceeds to flake out when it's actually made | Mon, May 21, 5:39 PM Sooo much cake 6" double layer. With dead pool logo 25 just simple vanilla. Chocolate plz Ok. Same price Okie dokie next wkend plz So June 2? Yea plz

Coworker Asks For Cake, Flakes When It's Made

Their loss.
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A quick Tumblr thread about a state champion baker's tips | docholligay Coming state champion baker: If y'all use decent box mix and use melted butter instead vegetable oil, an extra egg, and milk instead water, no one can tell difference sure as hell can't. Also, if add little almond extract vanilla cake, or little coffee chocolate cake sends through roof. This concludes attempting be helpful.

Tumblr Thread: State Champion Baker Dishes Out Tips

Yay, baking science.
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Lamb Easter cake ends up getting messed up, and looks like an actual monster | Thought going be slick this year and buy lamb cake Easter, there's line out door..fml pic taken from inside a car of people standing outside | Score! Found one He's kinda ugly though Maybe can fix him up.. creepy cake shaped like a baby goat with pink eyes and a yellow ribbon tied around its neck

Woman Gets Lamb Easter Cake, Fails Occur, Monster Lamb Cake Is Born

Actually hilarious.
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A quick and helpful Tumblr thread shares various baking tips | docholligay Coming state champion baker: If y'all use decent box mix and use melted butter instead vegetable oil, an extra egg, and milk instead water, no one can tell difference sure as hell can't. Also, if add little almond extract vanilla cake, or little coffee chocolate cake sends through roof. This concludes attempting be helpful.

Tumblr Thread Is Rich With Cake Baking Tips

Yay, now we can all bake cakes.
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Guy takes revenge on his roommate who keeps stealing his food by baking a chocolate cake with habaneros in it.

Roommate Steals Guy's Marked Food, He Bakes Chocolate Cake With Habaneros In It

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ancient cool WoW twitter history egypt baking interesting yeast bread science - 8968453

Dude Makes Bread from 4,500 Year Old Yeast Sample

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gordon ramsay baking inspirational food Video apple pie - 96213505

Gordon Ramsay Talks Nervous Chef Into A Puddle Of Tears

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Not ALL Grandmas Make the Best Cookies...

baking grandmas parenting - 8025129984
Via Bungalowbeast

Still Works!

baking FAIL twitter - 8819442432
Via @azealiadelminaj

Baking a Batch of Burnt Hashtags

Via aricberg

Like Them? They're Abominable, Right?

baking there I fixed it Nailed It - 7959869696
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Everyone Deserves to Feel Like a Princess, Godzilla Included

Via CaptainShadow
christmas baking food cookies g rated win - 66152449

Marvel at the Detail That Went into These Classic Holiday Cookies

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