bad neighbors

'That is so selfish of you!': Karen neighbor gets mad at farmer for harvesting their crop that she wanted to steal

'That is so selfish of you!': Karen neighbor gets mad at farmer for harvesting their crop that she wanted to steal

nature neighbors neighborhood bad neighbors old people backyard Grandpa Bad Neighbor retirement neighbor - 21368325

'You’re new here, I’ve been here 10 years': Grandpa warns neighbor that he's building on a nature preserve, neighbor tells him to 'mind his own business'

'We won our battle against a busybody Karen': Neighbor conspires to get HOA to enforce new rules, Redditor wins out

'We won our battle against a busybody Karen': Neighbor conspires to get HOA to enforce new rules, Redditor wins out

'I dumped trash on my neighbor's doorstep': Redditor gets back at neighbor for leaving trash all over their back patio

'I dumped trash on my neighbor's doorstep': Redditor gets back at neighbor for leaving trash all over their back patio

drama malicious compliance neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 21280517

'You can back off': Karen neighbor disputes property line, accidentally proves their house is over it

'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property

'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property

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Update: 'We’re not in a forest so who cares': Woman douses fire-starting neighbor's banned fire, ignites a feud

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'[They] had to fork over $23': Neighbor demands more earnings from neighborhood children's bake sale despite paying for none of the materials, gets less

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'Do it as loud as [...] possible': HOA declares trash bins can only be out at specific times, tenants noisily comply

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‘The HOA was bent out of shape’: Dude builds a fence to keep nosy neighbors away, HOA intervenes, he finds a clever loophole

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'I got my neighbor evicted': Grad student snitches on his noisy neighbor to the HOA, getting him evicted as revenge for ruining his peace

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'I called the cops': Neighbor repeatedly blocks new parents' driveway, gets towed, blames them

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'They had to move': Woman gets her neighbors evicted following their excessive complaints

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'What price do you put on peace of mind?': Trashy neighbor throws garbage over fence, guy buys the house they're renting just to evict them

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'They were trying to scam us': Neighbor mows woman's lawn without asking, demands payment