
bad jobs

Top 20+ strange jobs people actually had and (mostly) loved: 'Working as a professional sleeper for sleep studies'

Top 20+ strange jobs people actually had and (mostly) loved: 'Working as a professional sleeper for sleep studies'

We've all come across a bizarre job advertisement on the internet that made us consider the most out-of-left-field career pivots. Perhaps you have found yourself stuck in your current industry with no sign of a promotion or upward mobility. You consider quitting on the spot but you've got rent and bills and you don't want to risk having zero income for an unforeseeable amount of time. Then, out of nowhere, you see the job posting you never knew you needed, one you never could have predicted eit…
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'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

In every industry, you are bound to find annoying people. However, some occupations are way worse at attracting bad apples than others. These folks shared what they believe to be the worst jobs for the worst kinds of people via this r/AskReddit thread, and we have a lot of questions. First, why did so many people mention nurses? This has me worried the next time I go to a hospital. On the other hand, car salesmen and real estate agents did not shock me in the slightest. Raise your hand if you'v…
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'I’m in charge now, and you are not going anywhere': CEO refuses to accept senior employee's resignation, leading to rest of the team quitting, leaving CEO in the dust

'I’m in charge now, and you are not going anywhere': CEO refuses to accept senior employee's resignation, leading to rest of the team quitting, leaving CEO in the dust

You apply to college, are accepted, graduate, and then you apply and land your ideal job. You have worked your entire life for this moment, and everything appears to be going smoothly, but everything changes when you meet your manager. Everybody has had a horrible management experience once or twice in their life, and if we are being really honest with ourselves, the reason we quit our jobs was because we could not bear to be under such incompetent managers' control any longer. The following st…
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worker antiwork fired bad jobs laid off unfair project overworked-employees union reddit thread bad bosses Reddit company - 23527941

'Billionaires aren't innovators, WE ARE, they just get to swoop in and take the credit': Employee laid off after finishing a major project for his company

The OP of the story raises a really interesting point. He dedicated countless hours to developing a new app for his company, a project that was supposed to bring in millions of dollars in revenue. So, how was he repaid? He was promptly let go. Shockingly, this isn't uncommon, as several other employees in the comment section shared similar experiences and offered advice. One worker responded, "I, too, was laid off immediately after finishing a project. Just sitting in my car with a...
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Update: 'I give the notice to my boss before receiving the proposal': Employee quits job to provide 60 days notice, then prospective employer hesitates to hire them

Update: 'I give the notice to my boss before receiving the proposal': Employee quits job to provide 60 days notice, then prospective employer hesitates to hire them

This person quit their job due to a miscommunication. They thought they were about to be hired at a new place… only to realize the company didn't actually feel that certain about hiring them after all. There may come a time in your life where you despise your job so much that it's hard to go to work every day. When you start complaining about this to your friends and family, they'll eventually tell you to start looking for work elsewhere. Many people spend at least 40 hours per week on the job.…
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career jobs job application job interview Reddit job hunt workplace bad jobs workplace-stories - 21737477

'There is no way that question disqualified me': Woman loses out on a job she's overqualified for based on her honest answer

Sometimes telling the truth doesn't set you free.
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boss job fired work workplace getting fired bad jobs toxic-workplace toxic-boss - 21634053

'Just got fired with no explanation': Man questions the legality of his seemingly random verbal termination

Getting fired without cause is bound to leave anyone feeling confused.
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace job terrible-bosses bad jobs toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 21601541

'Can I tell my job the REAL reason why I’m leaving?': Man is ready to quit thanks to his wildly difficult new boss

This man can't decide if he should quit peacefully or expose the toxicity.
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workplace-stories work stories workplace-story work client workplace jobs computers job bad jobs technology mistakes graphics dumb graphic design stupid - 21289221

'They literally said "The stars weren't aligned" for that date': 20+ Clients who had workers laughing behind their backs

One person asked workers to spill their “worst/ funniest/ strangest client story," and so many people had great anecdotes to share.
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'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

The hypocritical relationship that bad bosses tend to have with PTO is increasingly infuriating.
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workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace work workplace-discussion workplace Horrible Bosses workers employment toxic-work-environment - 21280005

'I had over 80 hours of PTO': Employee gives notice, loses all their PTO

The relationship between an organization and its employees is built on a foundation of trust... breaking that trust can result in negative consequences for both parties. Employers should realize that failing to honor an employee's accrued leave can damage the morale of the remaining team and lead to a loss of trust. Eventually, this will harm the organization's bottom line—in the form of higher turnover, less institutional knowledge, and less productivity—costing far more than fronting the cost…
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workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs manager retail bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace retail worker work managers workers employment - 21077253

'I pulled 6 doubles that week': Retail worker told to take all the overtime they want, obliges

You really shouldn't say something that you don't mean that could cause an outcome that you don't want to someone who will happily oblige you. Retailers love to set rules and swear by them as if they had been written in stone since the dawn of time—and definitely not something they made up 15 minutes ago. These rules will blatantly disadvantage workers and be strictly enforced to the point where there is no nuance for grey-area scenarios. After all, being able to predict extremely obvious gray…
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quitting job job memes jobs bad jobs career-memes Office office memes career two-week-notice - 21060613

‘My boss has been ignoring me since I quit’: Woman rethinks her two-week notice at work

This Redditor is feeling awkward at work while serving her two-week notice.
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reddit memes fired job bad jobs askreddit toxic-job toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit - 20908293

'My 60-year-old mother was fired from her job for the most unethical reason:' Grandson stands up for fired grandmother

This Redditor's 60-year-old mother didn't deserve to get fired in such a brash way.
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employment candidates jobs promotions promotion workplace quit quitting bad jobs antiwork toxic-workplace workplace-stories job-seeker workplace-story in-the-workplace - 20524293

'I put in my [four] week notice': Guy gets passed over for promotion, successful candidate tries to get him to do his work

Getting passed up for a promotion when you know you're the best candidate is heart-breaking—made worse by the fact that it's usually because of some petty political dynamic or so that they can bring in a nepotism hire. Bonus points when the person who successfully interviewed for the role turns around and asks you for help or tries to delegate your work because your peers and managers have recognized you as the “go-to person." Whatever you decide to do at that point… you probably would like to…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs work stories toxic-workplace bad jobs true story time-to-take-a-break workplace Horrible Bosses story break room employment toxic-work-environment - 20038661

'I just quit my job': Boss confiscates worker's lunch break as punishment, they quit

Breaks are one of the most essential rights of your daily working life, and they're not something to be treated as a privilege that can be taken away as punishment—like a parent taking away their child's favorite toy. Yet it's astounding how many managers and small business owners try this—completely unaware of the legal framework they must operate within and intentionally hiding behind their ignorance to shield them from questioning their morals and ethics. Would it be too much to ask that emp…
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