
bad idea

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

Do you think friends should loan each other money? Not small amounts like buying each other coffee or lunch, but pay-your-friend's-this-month's-rent kind of money. On the one hand, friends should be there for each other, and feel comfortable enough to ask for help when they need it. On the other hand, big sums of money can cause a lot of tension between two people, no matter how close they are. The thought alone of having to ask a friend for your money back can make anyone feel extremely uncomf…
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'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

'I'm not working a minute of overtime!': Supervisor targets top-performing mechanic due to five minute hold up; supervisor gets fired

For the rest of our lives, we can work ourselves to the bone every day and never receive credit for our commitment and hard work. Nobody can argue, though, that there is nothing better in the world than that moment of triumph when we are finally acknowledged and validated. The story below is of a hardworking and underappreciated CNC mechanic. OP, also known as Bobby, is the highest-producing mechanic in the company. However, it is important to note that his outstanding performance is a product…
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shower-thoughts shower thoughts reddit ideas idea genius stoner-thoughts thought idea good bad interesting stroke-of-genius smart brain thinking pondering ponder intelligent interesting

30 Shower Thoughts for the Ponderous Populous to Chew On

The skull's gray matter is pulsing
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AITA for playing a prank on my wife (29F) at my (31M) wedding?

'I don't know if I have a wife anymore': Guy embarrasses new wife so badly at wedding that she won't even answering his messages anymore

How badly can you mess up at your own wedding? This unfortunate dummy found out real quick. This 31 year old OP and his 29 year old spouse decided to tie the knot, and of course that comes with lots of decision making. This misogynistic OP wrote that while he thought up a hilarious joke for his wedding, his fiancé was taking care of the serious stuff. He'd seen one of his buddies write “Help me!” on the bottom of his wedding shoes in the style of “Toy Story,” and as the OP recounts, that was a…
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funny brilliant ideas that turned out to be stupid

People's Brilliant Ideas That Were Dumb Upon Review

We all know someone who's reinvented socks.
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times people knew they screwed up

Moments That People Realized They Had Screwed Up

Oh no.
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stories of the worst food people tasted | stephacharlotte 1.6k points 5 days ago Hot dog soup. My dad rehab/assisted living facility. He had both and my sister taste were all super grossed out def hot dogs, with chunks, but also with pureed hot dogs base.

The Worst Foods People Have Eaten

Sometimes it's worth a shot.
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15 cringey wedding related fail images | thumbnail "lthough horrific, I'm out of emotions to do anything but laugh at this point. My fiance and I just found out yesterday that my future mother-in-law has made arrangements to have her vows renewed at our destination wedding. On the same day. Two hours prior to our ceremony. At the same location. Because... wait for it... she wants the day to be special for her also. "

A Bushel Of Ridiculously Cringey Wedding Related Fails

Holla we want pre nup
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18 images of architectural fails | thumbnail left building with pole through it, thumbnail right building Window - OLLEGE ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING

Architectural Fails That Are Far From Structurally Sound

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Music horrible wtf bad idea michael jackson dumb stupid autotune - 107741697

"Beat It" But Every Note Is In C Is A New Kind Of Fever Dream

Still better than most music.
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egg explodes in person's face after microwaving it for 5 minutes

Hungry Doofus Microwaves Egg For 5 Minutes, Suffers Eggsplosion

It happens.
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funny ideas that were smart at the time but actually dumb

People's Brilliant Ideas That Were Dumb In Retrospect

We've all had them.
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15 corporate fail images | thumbnail left "Walmart Saratoga Springs - Old Gick Rd 13 mins • · O Here at store Saratoga Springs, we have some pretty cool people. We would like to thank associate's name! Thanks for doing such a great job, associate's name. We appreciate #WalmartFamily you! Fine Jewelry Reusable Shopping 14 122 Proud Walmart* Associate ROBIN BARS ro" thumbnail right reebok ad "cheat on your girlfriend not your workout"

Corporate Fails To Laugh At While You Take A Two Hour Lunch Break

S m to the h
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mother in law wants deed

Mother-In-Law Demands Deed To House She Didn't Pay For, Gets Refused

There's some red flags in there.
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funny bad stupid life pro tips and dumb life hacks

Bad Life Pro Tips That Likely Won't Help

They're dumb.
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wrong things peoples parents told them

Wrong and Dumb Things People's Parents Told Them

There's a lot to unlearn.
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