

'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

Some neighbors need a reality check, and you can't always play nice. One neighborhood resident was battling his neighbors stomping on his property for quite some time. It seemed like nothing to them off of it was working. At a loss, they turned to Reddit… and you know how that goes. A flurry of responses came in, giving them advice on how to get their neighbors off their property forever. Some were clever, others creative, and there were a few that were definitely favorited. I've also had neigh…
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'Mum... is trying to climb the fence between our gardens': Woman lets neighbor kids use trampoline, their mom threatens to call the police

'Mum... is trying to climb the fence between our gardens': Woman lets neighbor kids use trampoline, their mom threatens to call the police

Here's how not to be a choosing beggar, as illustrated by one mom who couldn't accept a good thing while she had it. As a child, getting to bounce on a trampoline is basically the best thing ever. It never gets old! If you go to a trampoline park, you and your friends can literally bounce off the walls (and all over the rest of the room). Having a trampoline at your house is the ideal scenario for kids, though. It means that you can run outside at any time and start jumping. You make up games a…
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'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

Property owners, also known as landlords, can be quite annoying to deal with if they ignore basic lease rules and go with the flow of whatever their heart desires. For example, this dude explained how his demanding landlord texted him, promptly informing him that 'next week, we'll come to park the RV on your property'. Um, come again? So the dude quickly wrote back, 'No', which led to a conversation that made no sense. Why do landlords think they can just do whatever they want? The tenant pays…
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'He was fuming, but I didn't care': Resident gains extra yard space and hundreds of dollars in neighborly dispute

'He was fuming, but I didn't care': Resident gains extra yard space and hundreds of dollars in neighborly dispute

Neighborly arguing is bound to happen when property lines get fuzzy, and the truth becomes a prize to be sought after, even though one side is clearly bending it to their favor. I have had my fair share of neighborly disputes, whether it was because some people were simply very loud, inconsiderate, or entitled. Unfortunately, I did not win every case, but the ones I did are etched in my memory like a 1st grade participation award. In this case, the OP was dealing with the type of person who thi…
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'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

This is not the neighbor you want living right next door to you. When you're young, you never understand why people care so much about their plants. Who cares about a bunch of dumb flowers if they're blocking the path you want to bike through? But as an adult, I totally get why people are so precious about their plants . It's because they're fragile in a bunch of different ways. If you pull a flowers' petals, it's done for. If you forget to water it for a few days, it'll do a dramatic wilt. If…
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karens wind neighbors Fencing spring neighborhood city fence yard pool fences pools backyard karen - 22246661

'Neighbor wanted the fence fix[ed], we just removed the fence': Neighbors insist couple next door fix their fence, couple contacts city inspector instead

It costs zero dollars to mind your own business. Natural disasters caused by hurricanes, windstorms , and floods are no joke. They will destroy a house with ease, leaving the residents to clean up the mess. Depending on your location, you might have to deal with natural disasters all the time. For example, places like New Orleans or the Florida coastlines are subjected to hurricane conditions and flooding on a yearly basis. For people in these areas, rebuilding can be a consistent effort. This…
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'Comply with your own covenants, then': HOA president sends entire neighborhood notices for violations; one resident flips the script

'Comply with your own covenants, then': HOA president sends entire neighborhood notices for violations; one resident flips the script

Housing communities are continuously getting more and more infamous for the unfair, ridiculous rules they enforce, yet ironically, don't apply to themselves. The head of HOA, also known as 'President', gets to write all the rules along with the rest of the board, usually making sure that the rules are in compliance with his or her own personal preferences. I was flabbergasted to read that an HOA president took it upon himself to drive all around u/smocky13's neighborhood, looking to see whose g…
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‘They never did it again': Neighbor gets even with kids who dump trash over fence, throws trash right back into their backyard

‘They never did it again': Resident gets even with neighbor's kids who dump trash over fence, throws trash right back into their backyard

Having kids as neighbors can result in quite a hassle if their parents aren't doing their job right… These kids in particular were an absolute headache for an entire neighborhood, as they would constantly throw trash (among other things) over their backyard fence. One of the residents in the neighborhood had been moving some of the stuff that had ultimately ended up blocking the sidewalk for years. That is, until he ended up scrolling the neighborhood Facebook, finding out that he wasn't the on…
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'I left the lid open for good measure': Resident gets even with neighbor who kept using their trash can, placing bin by their patio

'I left the lid open for good measure': Resident gets even with neighbor who kept using their trash can, placing bin by their patio

Every apartment/home comes with a unique set of problems, unless you're Bill Gates, of course. Either your boiler keeps breaking down, your roof is leaking, or a pipe burst. Perhaps you don't have any of the above issues, but your neighbors are an absolute pain to deal with. Well, in that case, join the club… See, I've had a neighbor or two who made it their mission to make my life as miserable as possible, so I can definitely relate to OP, who was fed up with his own neighbor's rude antics. Ye…
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nature neighbors neighborhood bad neighbors old people backyard Grandpa Bad Neighbor retirement neighbor - 21368325

'You’re new here, I’ve been here 10 years': Grandpa warns neighbor that he's building on a nature preserve, neighbor tells him to 'mind his own business'

Your neighbors can look out for you, but only if you actually get to know them. If you're the neighborhood's cranky dude who just wants to keep to himself, that's fine, but you can't expect your neighbors to have your back if you don't have theirs. Some places, neighbors grow so close that they're almost family. It's a great feeling to be surrounded by friends, and they can watch your pets and water your plants while you're on vacation. You might even start a cycle of borrowing a cup of sugar a…
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'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property

'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property

Here's a friendly reminder to always be sure you're right before starting a feud with your neighbor.
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‘Enjoy your view of my 8ft fence': Resident builds 8ft fence to obstruct Karen neighbor's view after she called HOA on him, following his refusal to mow lawn in accordance to bylaws

‘Enjoy your view of my 8ft fence': Resident builds 8ft fence to obstruct Karen neighbor's view after she called HOA on him, following his refusal to mow lawn in accordance to bylaws

Nitpicky Karen neighbors are as prevalent as they are pesky; they derive pleasure in being as disagreeable as possible. In this case, OP moved into their late grandfather's house, which needed some upkeep to maintain its good looks and nice lawn. OP's neighbor was using OP's backyard as her ‘virtual’ backyard. This neighbor also happened to be a pesky Karen who always seemed to have something to say and never was that something pleasant. After a while, OP became sick due to stress at work and d…
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‘Buy me a fridge, or I’ll fine you': Man builds shed on neighbor's property line, neighbor's wife demands new $2,200 refrigerator in exchange for property line adjustment

'Buy me a fridge, or I'll fine you': Resident pays neighbor $2,200 for new refrigerator in exchange for property line adjustment after he built a shed on neighbor's fence

Certain neighbors aren't especially keen on acting under your city's local zoning rules and regulations; often you find yourself in a bit of a pickle with people you have to see on a near-daily basis. This neighbor in particular built his shed that was supposed to be at least 10 ft from his OP's property line, right on his property line, a foot off his fence. OP approached this neighbor who had a ready excuse at the tip of his tongue, claiming that because of the slope of his yard and a drainag…
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‘I picked the HOA bylaws apart’ : Neighbor gets his comeuppance when resident plants bamboo to overrun LED security light

‘I picked the HOA bylaws apart’ : Resident plants bamboo to overrun Neighbor’s bright LED security light

HOAs waste a lot of energy on ensuring all residents have permits for their plants, rose shrubs are trimmed correctly, and trampolines in backyards are painted in the right color. Some HOAs even enforce an overnight guest fee (put your welcome mats away). They love to interfere when interference is not needed but keep their nosy face knobs away when a resident actually has an issue that is worth looking into. In this case, a Texas resident who we'll call OP was enjoying suburban life until one…
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AITA for not letting my best friend have her wedding on my property after being uninvited?

'He's put her in an impossible position': Dude offers home for his BFF's wedding, until her fiancé makes an uncomfortable request

“One of my best friends is getting married soon,” this guy wrote, as he wondered if he was wrong for restricting where she could hold the festivities.
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water slide facebook backyard Video - 171015

Even Size Queens Would Enjoy This Backyard Water Slide

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