

Nannies share their stories working for rich families, entitled parents, and Karen mommies: 'The 3-year-old slips up and calls me Mama constantly'

Nannies share their stories working for rich families, entitled parents, and Karen mommies: 'The 3-year-old slips up and calls me Mama constantly'

Working for wealthy folks can be endlessly frustrating. People may think The White Lotus and Triangle of Sadness are heightened exaggerations of what it's like, but based on these stories, it's quite clear that those films may be leaning closer to nonfiction territory than anyone wants to believe. Although I have never worked as a full-time nanny , I have worked in education, specifically for wealthy families. I have seen the entitlement, the distorted view of reality, and the unrealistic expec…
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Nanny shares the wildest job offers she's received from parents: 'That's $4.50 an hour per family... no thank you!'

Being a nanny can be a rewarding job, but as with any job, there are always some wild offers that come your way. This nanny in particular has had her fair share of crazy job offers she's received from parents, and they are sure to leave you scratching your head. One offer she received was from a family who wanted her to work 60 hours a week for $30k/year, and another family that tried to lower her rate from $22/hour to $4.50/hour. And the best one yet: a family offered to pay her...
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'You should have thought about it sooner': Nanny arrives at new job and immediately gets sick, boss refuses to give her a day off

'You should have thought about it sooner': Nanny arrives at new job and immediately gets sick, boss refuses to give her a day off

Being a full-time nanny can either be the best job of your life or the worst, it all depends on the family that you are working for. If the parents are chill and supportive, you can have the best time with their kids and actually become part of the family. But, if the parents are harsh and inconsiderate, the job can easily become a burden and a frustrating experience, even regardless of how the kids themselves behave. Unfortunately, the family in this Reddit story resembles the latter. OP (orig…
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'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead asked them to babysit their kids

'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead ask them to babysit

What does 'being neighborly' mean to you? Does it mean you actually become friends with your neighbors, or is it just a pretend friendship to keep things cordial, as you're forced to live next to each other for the unforeseeable future? I guess it depends on the kind of neighbors you get stuck with. Well, this couple thought they were actually becoming close friends with their new neighbors until they received this unexpected blow right before their annual Christmas party.
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'My coworkers are saying I'm cold for not helping her out': Woman refuses to babysit colleague's 4 kids during her PTO, faces backlash in the office

We often talk about work-life balance these days, with many folks managing to keep their professional and personal lives completely separate, meaning no work at home (rip remote workers). However, what happens when a personal issue becomes a work issue, too? That's the situation the OP found herself in. OP has been working at her company for a while now, and there's this colleague who seems to harbor some envy. We will call her Karen.
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'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

Overprotective parents are known to go the extra mile in the name of keeping an eye on their children, but tracking the nanny outside of work hours is way too far. You would think that any employer would know that this would be a clear invasion of privacy, yet apparently, some folks need to be reminded of decent human behavior. Just because we live in an age where it's easy to stalk someone doesn't mean you should. Again, this should be self-explanatory, but as it turns out, this basic sense of…
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'This is the first time I have ever asked to have some time off': Boss tells nanny to miss sister's wedding to watch her two kids instead

'This is the first time I have ever asked to have some time off': Boss tells nanny to miss sister's wedding to watch her two kids instead

You give your boss ample time to find someone to cover your shift when you need time off , but chances are they'll still forget and bug you to do the shift anyway. This person, u/Nannyneedabreak, definitely gets that. In their post to r/AmItheA**hole, this nanny wanted to know if she was wrong for the way her boss was treating her. As she noted, she wanted to go to her sister's wedding, and like a good employee, she gave her boss a ton of notice — seven months notice, in fact! That's plenty gen…
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Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets asks brother to babysit during their entire family vacation, finds brother's post about her

Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets guilts brother into babysitting during family vacation, flips out when he changes plans

Family vacations are supposed to be fun for the whole family, not just a few members. But this mother wasn't too concerned about the feelings of the rest of her family, so long as she got a break for herself. Vacations are so great when you're a kid. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the trip! Your parents will take care of all the planning, booking, transportation, and meals, and you just get to run around the beach or an amusement park to your heart's content. This 23-year-old is reali…
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'Bird lady was enraged': Karen disturbs beachgoers by feeding seagulls, kids get back at her

'Bird lady was enraged': Karen disturbs beachgoers by feeding seagulls, kids get back at her

Sometimes the best way to confront a Karen is to give her a taste of her own medicine.
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'You burned a bridge': Man would rather catch up on sleep than babysit his nephew, meanwhile the boy's aunt undergoes treatment in the ICU after a potentially fatal car accident

Some people would do pretty much anything for their family. As Dominic Toretto always said, :The most important thing in life will always be family". Well, for one Redditor, the most important thing in his life, is sleep. And apparently nothing in this world could threatened to deprive him of his 8 hours– not even the near d3ath experience of a family member.
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entitled parents malicious compliance kids nanny babysitting entitled reddit thread Reddit - 20172293

'I looked at her like are you serious?': Mom refuses to discipline tantrum-throwing kid, nanny complies, mom lives to regret it

This one goes out to all the nannies and babysitters out there!
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Babysitter leaves 100 dollar a week job and entitled mom can't understand why | am LIVID seven months now 100 week hours are easy 9am-5pm, like regular fucking job and kids are basically angels, they sleep most day anyway at this age. mas been babysitting get text her saying she's applying walmart and she can't afford work anymore

Babysitter Leaves Bad Job, Entitled Mom Lashes Out

She can't understand why someone wouldn't want to work for 100 dollars a week.
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'That's a ridiculous rate': Entitled vacationing family has a meltdown over childcare costs

'That's a ridiculous rate': Entitled vacationing family has a meltdown over childcare costs

This confused freelancer is unsure if they asked for way too much money to babysit their cousin's three youngsters. U/HENNYDEFN was pretty sure they weren't asking for too much money, but they checked with the r/AmItheA**hole community to be sure. As the OP writes, they're actually a software engineer who freelances on the side. They make between $40-$60 per hour at their official roles, but they were willing to offer a family discount when their cousin asked them to babysit . This cousin is br…
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AITA for cancelling my son's birthday party because my Mother-In-Law left poop on my toothbrush

'Your MIL is LITERALLY TOXIC': Guy's MIL gets defensive after major babysitting bathroom fail

This lady makes a compelling candidate for the worst mother-in-law!
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"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car

"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car

Caring for other people's kids can be an enticing career for those who like working with children; the only downside is that—well… they're other people's children. This means that you have to deal with the often inaccurate perceptions of other adults, who hold tight to their wildly inaccurate beliefs, with these same adults also holding the final say over what goes with their children, no matter how damaging their decision might be. When working as a nanny, these problems intensify. Long and of…
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This couple hired me, a complete stranger, to watch their kid for a date night. Now they’ve practically abandoned me with their kid. What do I even fucking do? I need to get paid and I also can’t leave their child home alone. They are just ignoring my message. Put DND on after I texted them.

Parents ditch babysitter with kids and put them on "do not disturb"

Parenting is exhausting; at its worst, it's like a marathon that you run uphill for 18 years with no water stations and no end in sight. That's why it's a godsend when you can find someone (whether a bribed family member or paid caretaker) who can take your child off you for a few hours. Of course, for some parents, this whole time is spent worrying whether or not the child is alright and being adequately cared for — others still might be able to enjoy their time but be relieved when they retur…
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