
Don't be a baby, unless your mine. Then it's a different story. These juvenile posts will have you gooing and gaaing all day long.

WIBTA if I used part of my paternity leave to visit my family?

'Why women have babies with men like you is beyond me': Dude wants to use paternity leave to take a vacation away from his wife and kid

Someone wanted my sister to take an hour and a half taxi to deliver a pram to them

'I cannot understand a word of that': Weirdo 'choosing beggar' demands seller bring stroller to them for free

My girlfriend just gave birth to our first child. I know I’m not the biological father and I revealed I knew as soon as she gave birth.

'I know I’m not [the] father': Guy confesses right after girlfriend gives birth that he knows she cheated

What baby name immediately makes you lose all respect for the parents and why?

'I've met a baby named Felonee and that takes the cake': 20+ Cringeworthy Baby Names

‘Hey, We Don’t Push People’ Mother Reprimands Another Woman’s Kid for Pushing Her Baby, Gets Shouted At

‘Hey, We Don’t Push People’ Mother Reprimands Another Woman’s Kid for Pushing Her Baby, Gets Shouted At

family drama aita baby breastfeeding mother wedding family Reddit weddings - 17367301

Bad Brother Reprimands Sister For Breastfeeding at His Wedding, Internet Roasts Him Alive

entitled parent brings baby to wedding, doesn't see why they're in the wrong

Parent Brings Disruptive Baby To Child-Free Wedding, Doesn't Understand Why They're In The Wrong

baby in laws family pregnant - 17164549

Tragic Passing of Baby's Father Causes Controlling Brother-In-Law to Try to Takeover

aita baby mother - 17142533

Distressed Mother Takes Baby Formula From Hoarder's Cart, Asks Internet If She Was Wrong

aita marriage baby - 16766725

Internet Applauds Woman When She Gives Birth to Child Without Telling Husband

in-laws want to name daughter after grandpa, throw boy baby shower

New Mom Expects Daughter, Delusional In-Laws Want Boy To Name After Grandpa, Throw Grandpa-Themed Baby Shower

mom won't change her own kid's diaper, asks daycare worker to do it while she's off work

Entitled Parent Won't Change Her Own Kid's Diaper, Insists Daycare Worker Do It Off The Clock

guy demands girl get maternity test to see if she is mother to her baby

Idiot Demands Pregnant Girlfriend Take Maternity Test To See If She's The Mother

aita baby parenting Reddit parents - 16503301

Husband Fakes Kidnapping of Infant Son in Order to Teach Wife Lesson

baby mother relationships mother in law family - 16048133

New Mother Hides From Mother-In-Law Who Insists on Dropping by Unannounced

AAA customer lies about baby being locked inside car, gets keys locked in again

AAA Customer Lies That He's Locked A Baby In His Car, Gets Instant Karma