

'That is enraging on OOP's part': Staffer snaps at colleague because of his winter outfit

'That is enraging on OOP's part': Staffer snaps at colleague because of his winter outfit

This workplace definitely needs some lessons on decorum. Originally written in r/TIFU, this OOP shared an embarrassing story that made him feel ashamed of the way he dressed. However, after about a month, the OOP wrote in an update with a pretty satisfying ending. After working with underprivileged clients, you would think the OOP's coworker would know how to act in a kind and respectful manner towards her clientele. But some people view other folks as beneath them, just because they've fallen…
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Various times that people were misjudged | reddit posted by LotusPrince Not but my brother he elementary school grades are based on things other than test scores teacher noted on his report card he needs work on his skill at cutting with scissors. My brother is left-handed, and scissors classroom were right-handed people.

Wrongful Times People Were Misjudged

Assume nothing.
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