
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

People share the silliest reasons they stopped having sex halfway through.

51 People Share the Silliest Reasons They Stopped In the Middle of Having Sex

inappropriate laughing

12 of the Most Inappropriate Things People Ever Laughed At

People Share the Most Insightful NSFW Sex Tips On the Internet

48 People Share the Most Insightful NSFW Sex Tips On the Internet

People share stories of their most insane NSFW college experiences. | Bottle - Watched guy beer bong fifth Jack. Right before he did he said his buddies OK, so done, let's go hospital He did and he and his buddies immediately hopped car and took him get his stomach pumped.

41 People Share NSFW Stories of Their Most Insane NSFW College Experiences

funny porn stories

10 People Share the Most Hilarious Things They've Heard in Porn

the Most Inappropriate Interview Questions People Were Ever Asked

18 of the Most Inappropriate Interview Questions People Were Ever Asked

historical facts

21 Facts About Historical Dates That Will Make Your Head Spin

People share things they've done and thought about, but would never admit to.

34 People Share Weird Things They've Done But Would Never Admit To

High School Teachers Spill the Details on the Juicy NSFW Things That Are Going On At Their Schools

43 High School Teachers Spill the Details on the Juicy NSFW Things That Are Going On At Their Schools

people share stories from drunk parties

13 People Describe the Drunkest Things People Did At Parties

People Share the Worst Reasons They Decided to Have Sex With Someone

34 People Share the Worst Reasons They Decided to Have Sex With Someone

people share the worst adult tantrums they've ever witnessed.

26 People Describe the Worst Adult Temper Tantrums They've Ever Seen

people describe what their own personal version of hell would be

14 People Share What Their Own Personal Versions of Hell Would Be

people share the little secrets they have that fill them with shame

12 People Share Their Little Secrets That Fill Them With Shame

woman tries to sue mcdonald's because employees beat her son while he was trying to rob the place - cover image to a list of crazy things people tried to sue over.

16 Lawyers Share the Most Insane Things People Tried to Make Cases Out of

kid finds his sisters double ended dildo - cover image to a list of things people wish they hadn't found

10 People Share Things They Found While They Were Snooping That They Wish They Hadn't