

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Cheap boss takes advantage of overworked employee, dangling a raise over her head and going back on his promises

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Boss goes back on promise to employee by dangling a raise over their head

Negotiating a raise is always a tough conversation. For employees who have a cheapo boss and have been taken advantage of their entire career, it's dang near impossible to get what you deserve when it comes to salary improvement.
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Toxic boss says he can replace employee in an hour after they enquired about a small raise, employee told him to start the timer and epically walked out on the job, this story prompted other Redditors to share their satisfying defying-management stories

'My supervisor told me today that he could have another person ready to take my job...So I said “start the timer” and I left': Employees Share Their Most Epic Quitting Stories

Name one thing better than being able to epically quit your soul-sucking job and shove it in your toxic boss' face with an epic one liner exit? Seriously, how freaking satisfying. Recently, a welder went to Reddit to share their epic “mic drop” moment when quitting. It all started when they went to their supervisor to enquire about a small raise they had previously discussed as a potential prior. Apparently, this manager decide to respond with toxicity and Karen-level tantrum. While the employe…
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Realtor Group Employees Make Hilarious Video Showing Their Boss Why They Need a Raise in This Economy

'We told our boss we deserve a raise and he said prove it': Realtor Group's Millennial Employees Make Hilarious Video Showing Their Boss Why They Need a Raise in This Economy

It's funny how your boss will complain about the price of gas with you until you ask them for a rise so you can pay for said gas to get to work and now all of a sudden your boss doesn't think it's thaaaaaat expensive. Usually when you ask for a raise, before you even approach your boss or manager you gather all the reasons why you deserve it, show all the tangible work you have been doing, and try to prepare as best as you can to negotiate with confidence and stand your ground. However, with mi…
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