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Entitled neighbor starts a neighborly dispute after burying junk in a nice couples yard, couple is furious and seeking revenge

Neighbor sneakily buries his ‘junk’ water heater on a nice couple's land despite them informing him that he's 15ft short of his property line: ‘Obviously, we’re furious’

 opinion ask reddit funny stories askreddit petty funny opinions dating fails dates bad dates relationships first dates dating dating advice

'He wouldn't stop quoting "Monty Python"': 30+ Petty reasons people gave for breaking up with their partners

‘I'm done’: Angry homeowner ‘mowliciously’ complies with entitled lawn care service and schedules his next appointment with them for 20 years from this year

Incompetent lawn mowing service with a ‘three-cut minimum’ cancels on customer three consecutive times, so he ‘mowliciously’ complies and schedules his next mowing for 2047

 opinion ask reddit funny stories askreddit interviews job interview interview funny opinions

'The recruiter started to fold my CV into a paper plane': 20+ Job candidates share their worst interview stories

Entitled manager takes PTO to prevent innocent employee from taking time-off for their 21st birthday, considers talking to higher-ups about the workplace ordeal

Spiteful manager throws ‘tantrum’ and denies employee's time-off request for their 21st birthday, employee feels this may be a targeted attack: ‘He’s looking for a reaction’

Karens demand student, studying hard, to move from her table for their convenience and student tells them to get lost, sparking a Karen dispute

‘No, you can't’: Two Karens bother studying student and demand she gives up her table because they refuse to sit in the sun, apparently forgetting inside tables exist

Entitled neighbors steal family's bench swing that was swept into their yard by a flood, refuse to let family retrieve it but continues to use the stolen property

Extreme weather sweeps family's bench swing into their neighbor's yard, neighbor puts up 'no trespassing’ signs and begins to use their bench swing so they can't retrieve it

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'No one knew how Frank kept his job': 15+ Incompetent coworkers who kept their jobs no matter what

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'One kid shouted 'I SEE THE LIGHT!' and then sleepwalked into a wall': 20+ Hilarious things people said while sleeptalking

ask reddit feud neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories reddit story terrible neighbors uncomfortable entitled reddit thread Bad Neighbor r-entitled Reddit weird strange behavior entitled people neighbor conflict - 36976645

‘We cut them off’: Man's entitled neighbors think they can keep using his well water for free after their's dried up, claims there's ‘no time’ to fix it but man puts his foot down

opinion ask reddit petty-revenge-reddit funny stories revenge work coworkers revenge-stories bad roommates askreddit petty revenge petty family roommates funny opinions - 36966405

'One day, I had enough of it...[I] typed four simple words': 20+ Petty people share their funniest moments of payback

Neighbor digs through man's mailbox everyday to hand-deliver mail to him, man is fed up and brainstorms a way forward

Nosy neighbor repeatedly goes through man's mailbox and hand-delivers mail at all hours of the day, man takes extreme measures in an effort to deter him: ‘This guy is wild’

 askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit Retail working work job coworkers boss

'It was like "Lord of the Flies" at the [call] center': 25+ Employees who got caught acting unprofessionally

Entitled neighbor puts signs up in his front yard to fear monger woman into perfectly manicuring her front lawn, woman is seeking payback and needs ideas

Angry neighbor puts up threatening signs directed at woman's lawn because he doesn't approve of her lawn's up-keep, woman seeks payback to combat his entitlement

Employee books vacation days for the upcoming year and requests time off, manager gives her grief and suggests the PTO will not be approved until closer to the date

‘She's not going to like it but I'm not going to care’: Employee requests time off a year in advance, manager says that they're ‘being inconsiderate’ of fellow employees

 askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories fired getting fired fired story fired on spot got fired firing firing story laid off

'They are literally chasing a beaver around in their golf cart': 20+ Employees who were fired on day 1