
artificial intelligence

workplace discussion workplace-stories toxic-manager jobs job malicious compliance work managers workplace artificial intelligence workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26041605

Middle manager proposes to company owner replacing staff with AI, gets replaced himself: 'I have took his suggestions to heart and decided to automate his role'

It's hard to escape the conversation surrounding AI and the growing likelihood that we may soon find our jobs replaced by it. Yet, while some have attempted it, most seem to be falling short of success. While AI is proven to be effective at handling superfluous and repetitive work, it doesn't yet understand the subtlety and nuance of specific tasks, often lacking necessary details or fabricating information and then confidently reporting it as fact. So, at the very least, even where there is ef…
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employee job work ai screening workplace artificial intelligence job interview grocery store job application resume - 25772805

'As it got harder, I started to mess up': Job applicant sparks debate after sharing his experience being interviewed by AI

Job interviews are never easy. It can be exciting after searching countless job listings for one you like, submitting all your application materials, and finally hearing back that you got an interview. But how do you prepare? You don't want to overprepare because, at the time of the interview, your nerves are high, and it can be hard to remember every detail you want to say precisely. But you also definitely don't want to be underprepared and get stuck with questions about the company's values…
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20+ Funniest AI Memes for Those Who Check the 'I'm not a robot' Box

20+ Funniest AI Memes for Those Who Check the 'I'm not a robot' Box

Before we all lose our jobs to AI
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'I'm stuck on one teeny tiny detail': Internet sleuths scrutinize dude's breakup message after his ex questions if he used AI to pen the note

'I'm stuck on one teeny tiny detail': Internet sleuths scrutinize dude's breakup message after his ex questions if he used A.I. to pen the note

“I think A.I. just dumped me ,” confessed one confused person. As artificial intelligence, commonly known as A.I., becomes larger and more integrated with everyday life, things are going to get weird. At this point in the internet, we know A.I. is here to stay, but we aren't quite sure how to properly integrate it into businesses or our personal lives. Teachers are reading A.I.-written papers that their students have turned in, and some business people have resorted to letting an A.I. do their…
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getting fired fired ceo ai workplace artificial intelligence business employment - 21241605

'I got the news last week': Video game studio executives fired after laying off workers for refusing to implement AI initiatives using their own time and money

If you've been living under a non-computer-generated rock for the last six months, AI is everywhere, and the implications of it being trained to plagiarize creative work and regurgitate something slightly different are reshaping workplaces. It's like we're living in a fever dream based off of a “ Can I copy your homework ” meme. Anyone who wasn't a straight-A student has probably done that at some point, bumming answers off our more organized and motivated friends who would promise to let us co…
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school FAIL students teacher Professors cheating reddit thread Reddit artificial intelligence college - 20988677

'Professor accused me of using AI': Student has to prove essay wasn't plagiarized, just subpar

Something tells me this won't be the last time this happens.
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My teacher has falsely accused me of using ChatGPT to use an assignment.

'My teacher has falsely accused me of using ChatGPT': High-school student escalates accusations to department head

Artificial intelligence is growing larger and more powerful with every passing day, impacting all types of jobs. One of the most vocal majority about the dangers of AI have been teachers. Artificial intelligence like ChatGPT makes it possible to write entire school papers in a matter of seconds. Instead of going to class, taking notes, researching, writing, revising, editing, and submitting a paper, students can now produce a meticulously written paper on any subject with a few button clicks. I…
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'[I] hit send...everyone in the room and on the call started laughing': Husband tries to write apology to his wife the lazy way, humiliates himself in front of coworkers

'[I] hit send...everyone in the room and on the call started laughing': Husband tries to write apology to his wife the lazy way, humiliates himself in front of coworkers

People used to give their spouses flowers after a big argument, but this husband chose to “write” an apology letter instead.
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Top Trending Chat GPT Fails

Top Trending Chat GPT Fails of the Week (February 6, 2023)

By now we have all heard of Chat GPT...
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'Mozart on a go-kart': 20+ Ultra-specific, out of this world AI paintings

'Mozart on a go-kart': 20+ Ultra-specific, out of this world AI paintings

AI artwork has been around for a few years, but as technology improves, there's really no limit to the strange things folks can create on AI platforms. Whether it's Dall-E-2, Midjourney, or Stable Diffusion, each of these powerful artificial intelligence sites can create the craziest works of art as quickly as you can think it up. Mozart on a go-kart? Done. Mona Lisa but make her a Minion? Also done. Your mind is the limit with AI projects ! Check out some of the craziest art on the internet to…
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scary intelligence learning fake robots podcast joe rogan artificial intelligence comedian machine - 97263873

AI Joe Rogan Voice Is Creepily Realistic, Especially With Chimp Obsession

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Sassy Siri

29 Spicy Times Siri's Wit Was Superhumanly Sassy

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technology ridiculous artificial intelligence Video - 479238

The Artificial Intelligence That Deleted A Century

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Guy has terrible time trying to get help from Microsoft Virtual Assistant due to horrible Artificial Intelligence.

Horrible Microsoft Virtual Agent Assistant Takes Guy on Rage-Inducing Rollercoaster of a Conversation

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scishow artificial intelligence funny Video - 59700993

The Artificial Intelligence Contest

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Siri Loves Alan Turing

siri robots science artificial intelligence - 7912659712
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