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'They had to move': Woman gets her neighbors evicted following their excessive complaints

Feuds between neighbors have nothing but losers—the sanctity of existence being continually besmirched by your arch-nemeses constant and continuous close proximity. The persistent presence of something so infuriating is enough to drive even the most level-headed people to insanely petty lengths, which is probably why there is no shortage of stories online where bad neighbors have driven each other to the bitter ends of sanity. Apartments can be especially bad for this; with so many people cramm…
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Top 20 Real Estate Fails For Zillow-Obsessed Folks

Top 20 Real Estate Fails for Zillow-Obsessed Folks

We've all had those days when we daydream about the perfect home.
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Property Owner Takes Shady Apartment Manager Down

When it became apparent that the property manager was taking advantage of his building's tenants and doing a generally poor job, this owner realized he needed to take them down. This thread was posted to Reddit 's r/ nuclearrevenge subreddit by Redditor u/Ranthrow607. This subreddit is a bit like the big brother or the r/ProRevenge and r/pettyrevenge subreddits. Only the most brutally devastating of revenge stories can be posted to this smaller sub. We've frequently addressed the issue of preda…
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