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'We weren't even talking loud': Passenger confronts loud-talking Karen on a flight, becomes target of her wrath

It has been said that “Hell is other people” take a trip to any public place where your own enjoyment hinges on a stranger's ability to follow simple social etiqute and you'll confirm this to be true.
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AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

A landlord took to Reddit, asking their opinion on the fact he evicted new parents, giving them only 30 days to skedaddle. His reasoning was that their new baby made a lot of noise, and the neighbors had begun to complain. Is it insensitive? Yes. Is it illegal? We would think so, but apparently, he doesn't live in the US, and stated that it was actually completely legal for him to do so, as it landed under some sort of ‘noise pollution’ category. Babies are noisy creatures, duh. They cry, babbl…
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AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

Getting into the University of Cambridge is a pretty big deal, but not everyone thinks so. This father holds quite a few misconceptions regarding what ‘foreign’ means, and also has a stigmatic stance against his own daughter. Taking to r/AITA, he asked Redditors if he was in the wrong for refusing to pay for his daughter's education, based on the grounds that she ‘wasn’t as bright as her brother' and because the University she got into was ‘foreign’. Imagine calling one of the best Universities…
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