
revenge flight plane petty revenge reddit thread Reddit funny airplane - 19918085

'Well played, Petty Crocker': Passenger keeps getting up mid-flight and pulling on back of person's seat every time, cue petty revenge

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'My boss said upgrade him if there is room, so I made sure there wasn't' : Flight attendant maliciously complies with boss, upgrading 5 random passengers to business class, revoking rude passenger's free upgrade

flight pilot airline airplane entitled - 19815173

'He instructed his daughter to kick my seat': Flight attendants share the most entitled behaviors they've ever witnessed on planes

Entitled man baby loses his st in FC

'Man-baby throws screaming fit after stealing my seat': First-class passenger erupts in profanity-filled rant — until this guy brings his ego down a notch

AITA For getting up and lining up to exit the airplane before the people in front of me got up?

'Go back... and wait like everyone else': Traveller sparks airplane etiquette debate after they cut off passengers in front of them

HOA neighbors insist homeowner remove buoys and safety signs around his seaplane

'HOA is demanding I move my plane': Snooping neighbors insist homeowner remove the sensible buoys and safety signs around his seaplane

imgur airport flight funny memes passenger Travel funny airplane - 19664389

30+ Travel Memes and Fails While You’re Stuck in the Security Line

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'Today at the airport a Karen tried to recruit me into being a Karen with her and I was not having it' : Airline passenger delivers epic one-liner that shuts down Karen trying to throw a tantrum

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

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'He refused [to move]': Entitled couple steals Large Gal's second seat on flight that she paid for

'It was hot foot juice': Tortured Flight Passenger Gets Petty Revenge on Their Stinky Neighbor Who Breached Plane Etiquette Exposing Smelly Feet and Dire Consequences

'It was hot foot juice': Tortured Flight Passenger Gets Petty Revenge on Their Stinky Neighbor Who Breached Plane Etiquette, Exposing Smelly Feet and Dealing Dire Consequences

AITA for using the bathroom frequently on the flight?

'No one needs to drink enough to pee four times in less than three hours': Rude guy keeps getting up to go to the bathroom on flight

person on a delta flight purchases a specific seat in the plane and pays extra to get that seat, then the person sitting in the middle of his row asks if he would switch with his girlfriend so they could sit together, but his girlfriend was sitting in the back of the plane in a middle seat and the man said absolutely no to trading, shares his story on Reddit to see if he was in the right

'[I shouldn't have to] give up my chosen seat for their inability to plan': Redditors Applaud Person Who Rufuses to Give Up Pre-Paid Seat on a Delta Flight for a Couple to Sit Together

AITA for telling a 6'8 giant to upgrade his seating?

Extremely tall guy fights with another passenger on the plane over available leg room

'We already switched seats" After a while the couple said "Oh you have the middle seat", i was confused because the wife was sitting at the aisle. And i said that was not the agreement and i want my seat back.

Entitled Couple Tricks Guy Into Trading for Worse Plane Seat, He Ends up With a Better Seat

AITA for missing my FIL's funeral after my MIL booked my husband first class but me ecconomy?

Entitled Wife Skips Family Funeral After Petty Mother-in-Law Purchased First Class Seat for Her Husband and Economy Seat for Her