

Top 20 Interesting Photos of the Week

Top 20 Interesting and Random Photos of the Week (May 12, 2023)

Stop and smell the flowers, right? That's how the old saying goes. Take your time and appreciate the world around you while you can. It's the little things that make life intriguing, as people often share to r/ MildlyInteresting . We've gathered the most quirky and interesting looks at lives around the world , and compiled them all below! After that, check out these memes that Gen X will totally love (and also, those who pine for their old computer room).
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'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel plans baffle her family

'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel luggage hack baffles her family

I thought I'd heard every travel hack , until I read this one, that is. I can truly say I've never thought about treating my luggage the way this woman plans to. Airports are quite strict with their luggage requirements. If you don't look it up before you go, you'll be stuck with a suitcase that's too big or too heavy, meaning you'll have to cough up some cash to fly your precious belongings along with you. And heaven forbid you have liquids that are more than 3.4 ounces, or have a carry on tha…
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'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from airline passenger

'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from passenger over airplane etiquette

No one ever agrees about this debate. Depending on where you're sitting on the plane , your point of view changes on this too! The evergreen debate being had on r/AmItheA**hole is from a frustrated husband who recently flew with his wife. It seems like the trouble started right from the beginning of their flight . The dude behind the OP's wife was playing a game on the in-flight TV, meaning that he was jabbing at the back of her head! If that wasn't annoying enough, the OP's wife was really sle…
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karens aita airplane-passanger society ethics airline ethical entitled karen airplane entitled people - 20345861

AITA: 'She accused me of doing this on purpose': Tall guy's long legs cause issues for fellow passenger who can't recline her seat

Screw the trolley problem… How about the airline seat reclining problem as a thought experiment for ethical determination of one's actions? You're flying on an airline and have two choices: To recline your seat or not. Reclining your seat makes your experience more enjoyable but makes the experience of the person behind you twice as terrible as a result... Do you recline? Let's take this to more of extreme. Say, those “push the button” memes where you can get a million dollars for pressing a bi…
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karens amitheahole aita drama story ahole Reddit airplanes karen airplane entitled people - 19986437

AITA: "Manspreading" plane passenger gets roasted by readers for in-flight behavior

I feel like this is one of those AITA posts where the user probably knows what the judgment will be before they even ask. Still, whether or not they were in the wrong was decided when they chose to use a term like “manspreading” in the title. After that, the conversation was only going to go in one direction. I'm going to go ahead here and say that I don't agree with Reddit's decision. Yes, dear reader, that might surprise you, but I don't think this Original Poster was in the wrong. This state…
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first class ticket planes entitled karen airplane entitled people flying - 19971845

'I'm more important than an employee': Entitled airline passenger demands first class seat she never paid for

This airline worker bought the very last first class ticket , and settled in for a plane ride to Texas, until an entitled passenger disturbed him. The best part of going to the airport is the relief you feel once you're through customs and security and you find your gate. You breathe the biggest sigh of relief that you made it to your flight on time. Then, in your spare time while you wait to board, you get to shop at the airport stores, which are similar to a mall. If I ran things, I would let…
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pro revenge karens planes revenge petty revenge pilots pilot entitled Karen-in-the-wild karen airplane entitled people - 19987461

'He kept going and going': Pilot puts an inexplicable plane Karen in her place

A Karen and a plane, name a more iconic duo… The frequency that the two can often be found together is regrettable. Having some entitled and insane individual with you when you're locked in a pressurized cylinder hurtling through the sky at nearly 600mph (for several uncomfortable hours) is not an ideal situation to be in. But it must be something about that uncomfortable situation of flying that causes these emotionally infantile people to lose their slightest semblance of sanity. You know Sam…
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revenge flight plane petty revenge reddit thread Reddit funny airplane - 19918085

'Well played, Petty Crocker': Passenger keeps getting up mid-flight and pulling on back of person's seat every time, cue petty revenge

We all know that person who reclines too much or uses your seat as "leverage" when they are taking the 15th bathroom trip on the flight.
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flight attendant business class rude customer vice president toxic-workplace malicious compliance horrible-management petty revenge entitled-passenger Horrible Bosses flights airplane service industry - 19806725

'My boss said upgrade him if there is room, so I made sure there wasn't' : Flight attendant maliciously complies with boss, upgrading 5 random passengers to business class, revoking rude passenger's free upgrade

Flight attendants see the good, the bad, and the ugly. To be fair, anyone working in the service industry gets access to the entitled side of the world. This employee was working as a flight attendant at a regional airline and had enough of her usual, disgruntling encounters with a rude, entitled traveler who happened to have ties to her boss, VP Karen. One day he arrived, pompous as ever, demanding to be upgraded to business class. He didn't have a coupon, which was necessary in order to recei…
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flight pilot airline airplane entitled - 19815173

'He instructed his daughter to kick my seat': Flight attendants share the most entitled behaviors they've ever witnessed on planes

The stress of flying really seems to bring out the worst in people. If you're a flight attendant, you have to deal with stressed out and riled-up passengers every single day! As these flight attendants will tell you, flying seems to give people a license to act like toddlers — screaming, throwing tantrums , and demanding things. Although flight attendants are in charge of seating passengers in the right section, distributing drinks and snacks, and providing information during the flight… but th…
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Entitled man baby loses his st in FC

'Man-baby throws screaming fit after stealing my seat': First-class passenger erupts in profanity-filled rant — until this guy brings his ego down a notch

As if flying wasn't already a huge annoyance, this guy got seated next to a fired-up fool. While on a flight from Minnesota to California, this traveller expected to board their first-class seat. However, they immediately came across an issue. As the OP, u/SatisfactionDull, wrote, they boarded the plane and planned to chill out. However, they couldn't even sit down. There was already a guy in the OP's seat, and he wasn't leaving without a fight. He got a “weird confused smile” on his face befor…
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AITA For getting up and lining up to exit the airplane before the people in front of me got up?

'Go back... and wait like everyone else': Traveller sparks airplane etiquette debate after they cut off passengers in front of them

The internet is debating the unspoken rules of boarding and exiting airplanes after this guy's ‘AITA’ question. Lots of people enjoy flying, but many more people probably would say they actually hate being on airplanes. After getting through hours of security at the airport, you have to rush to your gate and then board in order. Then, you fly in a cramped cabin for hours, stuffed in like sardines with other random people. This guy has a question about what happens once the airplane touches down…
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HOA neighbors insist homeowner remove buoys and safety signs around his seaplane

'HOA is demanding I move my plane': Snooping neighbors insist homeowner remove the sensible buoys and safety signs around his seaplane

Home Owner's Associations often delight in trying to get people to change their homes, but this HOA extended their reach even further. For this person, their HOA didn't just try to control their property, but even made a lake their jurisdiction! As the OP wrote to r/AmItheA******, they live in a lakefront cottage. The OP is also a pilot who owns a seaplane , which they can keep conveniently parked in the water in front of their home. In an effort to keep everyone safe around the plane, the OP c…
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imgur airport flight funny memes passenger Travel funny airplane - 19664389

30+ Travel Memes and Fails While You’re Stuck in the Security Line

Being stuck at the airport can be excruciating...
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flight-issues karens airline-passenger failblog airplane-scene bad-flight airline airline-issues karens in the wild entitled hysterical-karen toxic-customer Reddit karen airplane - 2024455

'Today at the airport a Karen tried to recruit me into being a Karen with her and I was not having it' : Airline passenger delivers epic one-liner that shuts down Karen trying to throw a tantrum

Wow. Just wow. This was an amazing one-liner that this person hit a Karen with—and it actually worked! There is nothing worse than someone being a total jerk to everyone around them, and then they turn to you like you two are friends and they try to get you onto their side, as if you look like someone who would understand them. Like, what? No, no, no! We are not together . There is a big difference between you and a Karen and that is that a Karen is an entitled immature a-hole who has zero gras…
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'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

Put incompetent management and a travel budget in the same room, and this will be the result. This man's company wanted to save £80 on a work trip he had to go on, and being one of the biggest security companies in the world, they could have easily absorbed the cost, no question. But alas, someone in the head office wanted to talk a big game, and look good, possibly to get that promotion they so dearly desired. So they looked at cutting travel costs and changed OP's flight. Apparently, this per…
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