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Entitled Karen mother demands woman's airline snack for her kids: 'She just was super entitled, like the way she asked me too was more of a demand than an ask'


'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

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Mid-flight seat-kicker learns a wet lesson: 'I heard him freak out when we landed'

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'A shipment of live Alaskan crabs escape[d] their container': 10+ Airline workers share the craziest things they've witnessed

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'I followed the travel policy': Worker exploits company's travel policy loophole to book more expensive tickets and fly first class

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'People turn crazy at the airport': Entitled passenger refuses to store their bag in the overhead bin, getting himself arrested and forcing the entire plane to disembark

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'This just became a very cramped situation': Airline passenger steals guy's plane seat, guy sits on top of him

'[Passenger] demands a refund': Guy purchases second seat on plane, learns the flight is largely empty, throws tantrum

'[Passenger] demands a refund': Kevin purchases second seat on plane, learns the flight is largely empty, throws tantrum

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

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'We're sorry for any disappointment': Dude's Twitter thread sparks online debate around popular Southwest Airlines "wheelchair scam"

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'Karma is real': Couple gets what they deserve after harassing their chubby neighbor on a plane; flight attendants enjoy petty revenge in the form of a cold shoulder and TSA bombardment

person on a delta flight purchases a specific seat in the plane and pays extra to get that seat, then the person sitting in the middle of his row asks if he would switch with his girlfriend so they could sit together, but his girlfriend was sitting in the back of the plane in a middle seat and the man said absolutely no to trading, shares his story on Reddit to see if he was in the right

'[I shouldn't have to] give up my chosen seat for their inability to plan': Redditors Applaud Person Who Rufuses to Give Up Pre-Paid Seat on a Delta Flight for a Couple to Sit Together

Viral Thread: Airline passenger chronicles the bizarre adventures of their missing luggage on Twitter

Viral Thread: Airline passenger chronicles the bizarre adventures of their missing luggage on Twitter

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From the Awesome Department: British Airways Billboard Interacts With Flights as They Pass Overhead

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A Picture of Economy Class on a Pan-Am Flight in 1960

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We Don't Believe Your Lies, Airlines!

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