
‘I just couldn’t believe the whole situation': Man who purchases first-class window seat is forced to move when man flying with dog gives him strife, flight attendants side with dog

‘I just couldn’t believe the whole situation': Man who purchases first class window seat is forced to move when man flying with a dog gives him strife, flight attendants side with the dog

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Entitled Karen mother demands woman's airline snack for her kids: 'She just was super entitled, like the way she asked me too was more of a demand than an ask'

'Think of the baby!': Passenger claims 3 seats on the plane and refuses to make space for a mother with a baby despite flight attendant's request

'Think of the baby!': Passenger claims 3 seats on the plane and refuses to make space for a mother with a baby despite flight attendant's request

'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

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'Ma'am, you are consuming mold': Karmic airport Karen dismisses a food kiosk employee, ends up eating a plate of moldy food despite multiple warnings

'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

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Karen accosts flight attendant, scraps with pilot, gets kicked off plane

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Mid-flight seat-kicker learns a wet lesson: 'I heard him freak out when we landed'

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'A shipment of live Alaskan crabs escape[d] their container': 10+ Airline workers share the craziest things they've witnessed

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‘In a world of entitled travelers, this is wholesome’: Not-so-Karenish Karen turns out to be a really nice lady, forgiving a flight attendant for jumping to conclusions

bad flight etiquette

'I got my space back': Flight passenger doesn't back down from level 10 manspreader, ruins his sneakers

'One of our pilots landed with passengers at the wrong airport': 20 Airport incidents that only frequent flyers and airline staffers got to witness

'One of our pilots landed, with passengers, at the wrong airport': 20 Crazy airport incidents that only frequent flyers and airline staffers got to witness

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'I followed the travel policy': Worker exploits company's travel policy loophole to book more expensive tickets and fly first class

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'All crying stopped': Wholesome airplane pilot saves a woman's toddler from having a meltdown on a flight, restoring faith in humanity

airport airline plane flight flying passenger rude entitled insolent hospitality bags baggage delayed gate refuse flights pilot flight-attendant

'People turn crazy at the airport': Entitled passenger refuses to store their bag in the overhead bin, getting himself arrested and forcing the entire plane to disembark

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