

Principal resigns after telling senior class to ‘bring it’ for their senior prank and it ends up causing thousands of dollars in damages: ‘It's my time to bow out’

Principal resigns after telling senior class to ‘bring it’ for their senior prank and it ends up causing thousands of dollars in damages: ‘It's my time to bow out’

They were even given a key to the school. So should the students still be held accountable?
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‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

“I’m really tired of the idea that parents are somehow obligated to just take endless meanness, neglect, and general nastiness from their teenage/adult children…”
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man shares story of when he did a really stupid thing as a teenager while working at Dunkin Donuts

Man Shares Peek-Adolescence-Stupidity Story of When He Got Stuck in a Roasting Oven While Working at Dunkin' Donuts

Don't worry, he was fine—but he still isn't sure the metaphorical lesson he learned from it…
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We're All Young Until Reality Gestates In Our Privates

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Puff Puff Pass (to Mom)

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Don't Worry, the Kids Are Coming Up With New Acronyms Already

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Yep, Early Adolescence Is Pretty Much the Worst

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