
a song of ice and fire

Now YOU get to be HOA president! |So my dad, with a beatific grin, said he would be the HOA president of our single suburban street. He and the two neighbors drafted the bylaws of their own HOA in strict accordance with the planned neighborhood. But they added a special provision that the President of the HOA could name a successor

Weird HOA Monarchy Gets Passed Down By Succession, Ends Up in the Hands of Wild Karen

When this couple built their home on the edge of a growing metropolis, they established their own HOA to avoid being a part of a larger HOA entity. They established themselves as president and set the hilariously bizarre rule in the bylaws that the President of the HOA was to name their successor. I feel like this HOA story has more in common with GRRM's telling of the history of the Targaryen dynasty in Fire and Blood than it reasonably should. The idea of an HOA monarchy being handed down to…
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