

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

It seems like Karens only comprehend service animals when it's them buying a vest online and using it for their untrained dog.
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'I walked past the entitled women, snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for being inconsiderate to a employee

'[I] snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for dissing an employee

This awesome Redditor's petty revenge happened one day in a Walmart. Yes, that is important context. In the chaotic aisles of the store, a young female employee was trying to navigate her cart through a jam created by two entitled women in their 40s. Their snobby expressions were like they were royalty encountering a mere commoner. Imagine some dramatic music and a mischievous chuckle in the background. Our OP was not about to have it.
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People of Walmart karens karens in the wild Walmart karen parking-drama parking space parking lot parking - 22065413

'That's my car!': Dude watches enraged male-Karen mistakenly destroy his own car

The story that follows is a poetic, almost mythological, series of events that highlights the importance of not being impulsive and controlling one's temper—and of the folly to which pursuing a path of vengeance can lead… We've all probably been here at some point, wearily wandering out of the supermarket towards our vehicle, groceries in hand, laboriously making our way toward our vehicle, keys ready in our one free hand. Approaching the car, you press the button on the doohickey to unlock the…
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'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

Parking lot debacles are becoming more commonplace, with Karens running rampant, who are quick to call the cops whenever they feel like being a martyr. Whether it is to gain some 'good person' points or because they're bored and in need of attention, it's something that is perplexing and frustrating for people worldwide. In this case, OP borrowed her father's minivan, which had a handicap plate, to go to Walmart. Even though OP was deaf, they didn't park in a handicapped space because being dea…
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Guy takes advantage of prime rib pricing blunder, manager tells him he has cost someone their job

'The manager was livid': Guy takes advantage of prime rib pricing blunder, manager tells him he has cost someone their job

Look. If you had one shot—or one opportunity—to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment. Would you capture it? Or just let it slip? This guy certainly did not miss his chance to blow when he stumbled on the succulent opportunity of a lifetime: a goldmine of prime rib priced down to absurdly low figures. If it weren't for the fact that he intended to (supposedly) cook this meat for a Veterans' charity, I'd probably have to say that he is the AH here. Having worked retail in a previous lif…
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walmart manager fires guy who doesn't work for them

'I got fired from a job I don't work': Guy gets fired from a job that isn't his

Uh, alright if you say so.
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uno-reverse idontworkherelady retail revenge petty revenge Walmart karen - 17661189

Guy Uno-Reverses Karen Who Thinks He is a Walmart Employee

When a guy went to Walmart's customer service to recover his wife's lost almond milk, he was approached by a wild K a ren who assumed he worked there. She insisted that he help her and insisted that he worked there, so he turned the play around and threw it right back at her . Reddit user u/literalgarbageyo posted this thread to Reddit's r/ IDontWorkHereLady , a medium-sized subreddit that often features stories, such as this, that have been shared by Reddit users about their experiences being…
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Karen Keeps Calling Walmart with Impossible Demands for Customer Service, Employee Just Keeps Hanging Up On Her

Karen Keeps Calling Walmart with Impossible Demands for Customer Service, Employee Just Keeps Hanging Up On Her

These employees definitely are not getting paid enough to take the kind of abuse Karen customers love to dish out.
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Karen wants customer fired, bystander steps in and makes Karen look a fool

Karen Demands Fellow Customer Be "Fired", Suited Legend Steps In, Makes Karen Laughing Stock

Take that, Karen.
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Young Walmart Employee Posts TikTok of a Crazy Karen Customer, Sparks Debate On if She Was in the Right or Should Get Fired

Young Walmart Employee Posts TikTok of a Crazy Karen Customer, Sparks Debate On if She Was in the Right or Should Get Fired

All she did was “smirk” at the Karen as she was berated for now reason, the managers found the video and things aren't looking good for the employee…
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Woman Goes Viral for Her Hilarious Revenge Messing with a Scammer Through Text Messages

Woman Goes Viral for Her Hilarious Revenge Messing with a Scammer Through Text Messages

She even tells him she stole him the most perfect t-shirt that says he loves “fisting.”
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funny employee facebook comments

Happy Customers Thank Employee For Her Increasingly Absurd Services

Now that's customer service.
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Story of a guy who didn't work at Walmart but got "fired" by a manager | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by u/mfstevenson1 12 hours ago got fired walmart and never worked there Obligatory on mobile, sorry about any formatting issues! About year ago worked selling solar panel systems. This job required wear khakis and blue polo meeting customers. One particular day, after meeting with homeowner had stop by my local walmart get more pens and notepad my work bag.

Guy Who Didn't Work at Walmart Fired by Walmart Manager

So no harm done?
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Kid poses as Walmart Employee wearing neon yellow vest | Posted by u/GreenKeel 16 hours ago 14 2 O 9 L@17 3 11 TIFU by getting lifetime ban Walmart. My friend and are both high school, and been hanging out lot over winter break. Today were especially bored, and suggested going Walmart look around. After little while got bored too. Then an idea hit us back my car have 2 neon yellow vests. They seemed match style vest employees parking lot were wearing, so naturally donned vests and posed as

Kid Infiltrates Walmart By Wearing Neon Vest

A yellow vest is the key to the city.
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Americans try to describe Walmart to Europeans. | OPs_other_username 17h So imagine all those small shops specialize different wares and services clothing electronics jewelry guns. Now gather them all one place. Then turn on compactor switch. then crush them, grind them, mangle them and their dreams and then, while they are still breathing their last breath pour giant concrete slab over them Then buy generic forms their products oversea sweatshops and sell Viola s Walmart. Reply 1 1.4k

AskReddit Thread: Americans Describe Walmart To Europeans

It's quite the place.
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Guy's boss tells him to stand by spills so he does that for a very long time.

Boss Instructs Employee To Guard Spill, So He Does It for Hours

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