
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

cringey guy claims he's famous

Man's Convinced He's Famous, Nobody Recognizes Him

Two ships collide in ontario canal

Head-On Ship Collision is a Slow Motion Failure

person on kayak encounters alligator

Kayaker Captures Frightening Run-In With Alligator

1999 Pokemon Base Set Booster Pack

Opening a Brand New 1999 Pokemon Base Set Booster Pack

Man invents invention that makes a rude hand gesture.

Dude Follows Heart and Creates Terrific Invention

lawyer goes through dwi checkpoint

Attorney/Uber Driver Tutorial on DWI Checkpoints

Samurai sword master reacting to hollywood sword fights INSIDER how real is it

Samurai Sword Master Analyzes Sword Fights In Movies

Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back according to my girlfriend's memory I'm gonna go inside the camel

Girlfriend Recaps Empire Strikes Back From Memory

Between Two Ferns Zach Galifianakis bloopers Matthew McConaughey

Golden Bloopers From Between Two Ferns

man uses radio to contact international space station

Man Contacts International Space Station With Ham Radio

Your Brain On Cracked weird bathroom scenes in movies

6 Absurd Things That Prove Hollywood Doesn’t Know Crap About Bathrooms

Japanese baseball team has dancing robots instead of fans.

Japanese Baseball Team has Dancing Robots to Replace Fans

fail interview with woman who was hit by lightning

Woman Wakes Up From Lightning Strike After Two Weeks

submarine sonar hitting scuba divers loud noise

Divers Get Pinged By Submarines Sonar

cool train tank engine log hauler

Steam Powered Lombard Log Hauler Is Pure Madness

Video of possums eating bananas

Opossums Eating Bananas are Strangely Hypnotic