
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Broken Air Conditioner Plays Jazz Drum Solo

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Socially Clueless Raven Relentlessly Annoys Snowy Owl

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Guy's Best Man Speech Is An Absolute Disaster

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British Lad Demonstrates How To Build Stealth Fire

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Daughter Tells Dad Joke, Dad's Overcome By Pride

Swedish TV host fails at making pottery

Swedish TV Host Just Can't Do Pottery

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Chess International Master Levy Rozman Destroys Blatant Cheater

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Man Impersonates Dinosaur, Should Be In Next Jurassic Park

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Karate Guy Attempts To Chop Coconuts On Live TV, Fails Ensue

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Fearless Man Picks Up Stranded Hawk With Bare Hands

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Reporter Goes To Haunted House, Cringe Fest Ensues

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Skilled Truck Driver Helps To End Car Chase

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Customer Refuses To Pay, Crew Breaks Down Job

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Dog Mimics Owner Who Injured Foot, Avoidable Vet Fees Ensue

Madden professional player loses and rage quits

Madden Pro Whines At Tournament, Proceeds To Rage Quit

Xzibit reacts to pimp my ride fails

Xzibit Reacts To "Pimp My Ride" Horror Stories