
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

Guys load truck onto ferry using un-sturdy planks

Dudes Use Flimsy Planks To Load Truck Onto Ferry, Actually Works

science video of using silica to make water hydrophobic

Science Man Explains Water-proof Water

parkour FAIL cringe ridiculous Video - 106911489

Dude's Parkour Skills Are Off The Charts

dogs awesome ridiculous Video animals win - 106910465

Dogs Playing At The Farm Is A Pure Shot Of Endorphins

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Baby Seal's First Time In Bigger Pool Is Cuteness Overload

sports FAIL cringe baseball painful ridiculous Video - 106909953

Pirates Fan Takes Home Run Ball To The Privates, A Breakdown

crazy biking FAIL ridiculous recycling dangerous Video - 106907393

Dirt Bikers Attempt To Ascend Impossible Hill

cringe Awkward ridiculous celeb Video - 106902785

Interviewer Is Way Too Hyped For Tommy Lee Jones

woman tries to ride camel, splits pants and falls

Woman Tries To Ride Camel, Splits Pants, Falls

awesome ocean sunfish ridiculous funny Video - 106681089

Dude Bumps Into Massive Sunfish, Sunfish Looks Otherworldly

waves physics falling balance boat funny Video - 106723841

Highly Unbalanced Highlights from Life on a Boat

humor FAIL cringe criminal ridiculous funny Video - 106896897

Wife Throws Her Husband Under The Bus In Court

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The Greatest Globetrotter Shot Of All Time

crazy scary surprising ridiculous lion Video - 106889217

Curious Lion Opens Car Door

Workers hanging on a platform outside of a building swing in the wind.

Workers Swinging In High Winds Is Some Scary Junk

thunderstorm surprising Music choir awesome Video win - 106878977

Choir's Thunderstorm Impersonation Is On Point, Then They Sing