
'Do you know who I am?': Entitled lady gets called out on subway for using husband's credentials as an excuse for her poor behavior

'Do you know who I am?': Entitled lady gets called out on subway for using husband's credentials as an excuse for her poor behavior

Fish-flops and scuba heels: 25+ Shoes that turn heads wherever they go

Fish-flops and scuba heels: 25+ Super strange shoes that turn heads wherever they go

tip tipping tipping-culture no-tip service service-industry hot-take opinion interesting customer customer-service nyc subway subway-takes

'If I have to go up to order, I'm not tipping': Working woman shares a hot take on tipping culture, raising torches and pitchforks in the comment section

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

25 Strange Subway Sightings

25 Strange Subway Sightings

Corn Cob Customer... WTF is wrong with people?

'Corn cob customer': Sandwich shop employee explains their two most baffling customers ever

Subway fashion: 30+ people who matched their surroundings a little too well

Subway fashion: 30+ people who matched their surroundings a little too well

30+ Extremely good dogs wearing bags to ride the NYC subway system

30+ Extremely good dogs wearing bags to ride the NYC subway system

AITA for telling a stranger "it's weird you chose to sit right next to me when there's so many other seats available" on the public transit?

Creepy Guy Gets Called Out for Sitting Next to Passenger on Empty Train

The NYC subway bans dogs, so people step up with genius innovations.

NYC Bans Dogs In Subways, People Step Up With Ingenious Innovations

wholesome awesome new york Subway Video new york city - 107157249

NYC Subway Riders Surprise Conductors' With Wholesome Signs

An interesting story about how Subway's tuna isn't actually tuna.

Subway Under Fire For Iffy Tuna Sandwiches

weird stuff seen on the subway

Strange and Freaky Moments on the Subway

A collection of weird sightings from people on subways | scary goat man with horns and red glowing eyes sitting on a subway | pigeon riding the subway

Strange And Cursed Moments On The Subway

showing funny signs to nyc subway conducters

Making NYC Subway Conductors Smile With Clever Signs

Strangers being strange on the subway | person dressed as a centaur shirtless human torso and zebra body | woman cutting onions on a cutting board balanced on her knees

Interesting Subway Moments of Weirdness

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