

neighbor lies to HOA about woman's dogs disturbing the peace everyday, woman's clear evidence reveals it's the neighbor's 5 untrained rescue dogs

Neighbor accuses woman's dogs of barking constantly and contacts HOA, despite woman having ample evidence it's the neighbor's 5 rescue dogs: ‘Had it up to here’

Bad neighbors will go to great lengths to make your life difficult.
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‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,300 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,370 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

“Just because you don’t get along with someone doesn’t mean you can steal from them kiddos!!! Careful who you live with…”
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20+ Funny Roach Memes for Tenants in Desperate Need of an Exterminator

20+ Funny Roach Memes for Tenants in Desperate Need of an Exterminator

Warning: Hilarious Katsaridaphobia triggers ahead.
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Squatters get outwitted by management company after the landlord hires a professional 'nuisance' to move in with them: 'They were out within a week'

Squatters get outwitted by management company after the landlord hires a professional 'nuisance' to move in with them: 'They were out within a week'

Is it smart or unethical to use squatter and tenant rights against squatters?
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rent renting renter renters tenant tenants landlord landlords lease leasing agency story reddit trapped revenge petty

Tenant gets trapped in his apartment when a faulty doorknob jams closed, seeks revenge after getting abandoned for 4 hours by the new leasing agency : ‘Destroy your landlord’

This is what your rent money goes to
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'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

Don't mess with college kids–what they lack in financial resources, they make up for in social alliances.
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Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

If you're going to be a Karen, you better be able to face the consequences of your actions.
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neighbors neighborhood work homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge baby boomers Reddit payback karma Renters entitled people oddly satisfying - 25737477

Entitled Boomer calls neighbor 'lazy renter,' not knowing he's owned the house for 3 years: 'I told her to find the nearest retirement home'

When you purchase a home, unfortunately, the neighbors come with it. And you never know what to expect. Are they going to be extremely friendly neighbors who bring over a welcome basket when you first move in, or are you going to get the neighbor who keeps to themselves, leading you to think they could be a possible secret spy but you'll never find out because they never come out of their house? Either way, either other is better than getting stuck next to an entitled Karen who will call the co…
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boomer boomers dad dads father parent parents parenting gen-x family house homeowner homeownership rent renter renting tenant reddit landlord

'The exact apartment he had for $150 is now $2,400': Hardworking Gen Xer gives his dad a wakeup call after getting criticized for not being a homeowner

It's getting stormy out there for the renters of the world. With a flimsy roof above our heads, dozens of replacement tenants waiting in the wings, and greedy landlords looming over us until the lease is up, the housing situation is getting more and more uncertain. When you're working two jobs and can hardly make ends meet at the end of the month, the last thing you want to hear at the family gathering is constant nagging about homeownership.
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21 Landlord Special Memes for Renters On Their Last Coat of Paint

21 Landlord Special Memes for Renters On Their Last Coat of Paint

So like… Are the roaches the landlord painted over gonna pay rent too or what?
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roommate roommates bad-roommates gen-x couple teenager teenagers housemate renting rent renters kicked-out deserved dishes entitled firty reddit

‘He traded his parents for you’: Gen X couple takes drastic action after the entitled runaway teenager renting a room upstairs refuses to wash his dishes

If things like ‘cleanliness’ and ‘mutual independence’ are important to you, don't be like the Gen X couple in our next story who got stuck being a runaway 18-year-old's new mommy and daddy.
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'Streaming is his livelihood, but...I had to make a point': Dude cuts wifi during roommate's popular livestream

'Streaming is his livelihood, but...I had to make a point': Dude cuts wifi during roommate's popular livestream

If you're not good with your money , it doesn't matter how much you make. For those who make a regular or lowish salary, it seems impossible that someone making $100k+ could ever lose all that. But it happens all the time—just think of how many multi-millionaire celebs wind up broke and selling off their estates to make a quick buck. A lot of people find that money burns a hole in their pocket. They get their paycheck and immediately start thinking of all the cool products they could buy. Some…
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Update: 'It's a happy ending': L.A. landlord sneakily overcharges rent by 45%-50%, gets caught by a renter and has to dish out $4,300 to all of her tenants

Update: 'It's a happy ending': L.A. landlord sneakily overcharges rent by 45%-50%, gets caught by a renter and has to dish out $4,300 to all of her tenants

When it comes to the housing market and the renting world, life seems unjust. It seems like the landlords are always coming up, while the people just trying to live their lives with a roof over their heads are always on the down. It's simply unfair. However, sometimes things work out for the underdogs, like for these renters recently in L.A.
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Reddit thread tenant landlord fee lease breaking-lease charged money living rent renters renting apartment unit condo neighbors insane crazy advice wholesome

Admirable Tenant Faces $60,000 in Fees After Breaking His Lease, Kind Strangers Come to His Rescue

Always double-check your paperwork because you never know what sorts of sneaky evils lurk in the fine print. Unfortunately for OP in our next story, he found himself in a sticky situation after signing a lease with a money-grubbing landlord.
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‘Her rent is MORE than my mortgage’: Woman with 9 cats is upset her homeowner-boyfriend won't move into her overpriced rented house

‘Her rent is MORE than my mortgage’: Woman with 9 cats is upset her homeowner-boyfriend won't move into her overpriced rented house

If you own a home with a low interest rate in this economy, holy moly, you have to hold on tight to that. Most people reaching the typical “homeowners” age are not even able to dream of owning a home, let alone, one with a reasonable interest rate. So when this guy posted on Reddit asking if it was unreasonable for him to not want to give up his home that he owns and only pays 2.8% interest, the internet obviously sided with him.
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‘College-Educated Tightwad’ Neighbor Tries to Outsmart His Way for Paying His Half of Shared Fence, Hoodwinks Himself Into a Higher Cost of Living

If you're going to poke the bear, expect the claws—or whatever that saying is. Basically, if you are going to try and pull something shady off, you should always be prepared for it to backfire. Karma does not taste so sweet when you're on the receiving end. Take, for instance, this know-it-all neighbor trying to finagle his way out of responsibilities. Apparently, this guy was renting a house that shared a fence with its neighboring house. Unbeknownst to the landlord, this guy was notoriously n…
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