
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

My boyfriend asked for a paternity test for our child. As soon as the results come and show he is the father, I'm leaving him.

'What a way to start the new year': New Dad demands girlfriend take a paternity test, comes out negative but she leaves him anyway

Karen Welcomes Me to the HOA

'Never give Karen an inch': Guy stands up to entitled neighbor Karen, then has to work with her to fight HOA

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'[Am I wrong] for telling my husband the nanny is in charge?': Husband objects to wife telling him to defer to the nanny's judgement for their children

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'The mom went off on me': Parents change baby's diaper at their seats on the plane, passenger asks them to stop, flight crew intervenes

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'He called [...] for noise complaints any chance he got': Kevin gets neighbor fined $800, neighbor gets petty revenge

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'You are a true asset to the team': Boss rewards employee's extra work with a shady pack of gum

Guy takes advantage of prime rib pricing blunder, manager tells him he has cost someone their job

'The manager was livid': Guy takes advantage of prime rib pricing blunder, manager tells him he has cost someone their job

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Top 10 Worst Wedding Stories (May 15, 2023)

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'NO DRILLING IN MY HOUSE': Karen makes it impossible for cable guy to fix internet issues, she tries to get free TV from him

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'Coworker got sued and then sued the company': Boss refuses to let employee see his sick mother, employee retaliates, causing lawsuit

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'My partner hasn't done a load of laundry in ten years': Wife takes vacation away from family, husband doesn't know what to do with himself

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'No, sorry. Not the best time': Employee asked to contribute to multiple coworkers' birthday gifts despite never receiving his own gift

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'I got my neighbor evicted': Grad student snitches on his noisy neighbor to the HOA, getting him evicted as revenge for ruining his peace

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'An ice cold move': Mechanic treated poorly by driving instructor, gets petty revenge by disabling heat in his vehicle

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‘[She] prioritizes jealousy over what’s best for the kids’: Toxic mom gets chewed out online for her immature actions after divorce

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'PAY ME THE MONEY YOU OWE': Employee gets $1,100 in cash after weeks of neglect on payday, boss pays 4x what she initially owed