
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

work-story working-fast-food fast-food-nightmares petty revenge fast-food-employees fast-food-workplace Reddit workplace-revenge service industry - 21254917

'I would just act stupid': Diabolical fast food employee gets back at sneaky Karen customers, commenters then solve mystery of broken ice cream machines

'I haven't had a sick day in nine years': Boss forces employee to come in so he can decide if she's actually sick, she gets him sick

'I haven't had a sick day in nine years': Boss forces employee to come in so he can decide if she's actually sick, she gets him sick

'[I] covered my father's whole house in ants': Guy's plan to get back at Dad for being too controlling backfires, attracting colonies of ants

'[I] covered my father's whole house in ants': Guy's plan to get back at Dad for being too controlling backfires, attracting colonies of ants

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

quit quitting i-quit reddit reddit-thread revenge boss manager management upper-management ceo bosses horrible resignation exodus coworkers team IT tech specialist

'[Quitting] started a cascade of resignations': IT guy quits after boss expects him to handle an absurd workload, watching the company implode as management tries to pull the same tricks on the rest of the employees

Update: 'It's just a prank, bro': Neighbor feuds with Karen over parking his 17 sports cars on the street

Update: 'It's just a prank, bro': Neighbor feuds with Karen over parking his 17 sports cars on the street

'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property

'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property

'No report, sorry!': Employee refuses to attend meetings before 9am after getting shamed for leaving before 5, boss caves

'No report, sorry!': Employee refuses to do any work before 9am after getting shamed for leaving before 5, boss caves

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'What did I tell you about coming here again?!; You have been banned!': Mousy librarian flips a switch and rebukes a rampaging Karen, telling her off and running her out of the library for good

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

epic-revenge best served cold satisfying-justice revenge petty revenge Reddit karma - 21229573

'She'll never work […] again': Woman finally gets justice on old high school bully with a dish best served cold

'I’m the only female in the group': Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, she stands up for herself

'I’m the only female in the group': Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, employee stands her ground

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

FAILS humor list face palm askreddit stupid people comedy dumb Reddit funny stupid - 21170181

'I don't have an e-mail, I have a gmail': Top 20 foolish things people said with 100% conviction

'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

thief thieves boss bad-boss stolen found lost-and-found lost and found klepto kleptomaniac petty-revenge malicious-compliance mc reddit work coworkers employees managers library librarian

'If he says it's his, it's his': Boss insists on giving away 'lost & found' items to whomever claims them, until a thieving regular takes something that's hers