
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

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'He [only offered] 10% off of a future stay': Vacationer gets denied a refund when his rental home becomes uninhabitable; guest goes straight to the top and gets 30% off

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Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

'I can do this in my head': Teacher makes student show his work, tells him it should take up the whole page, cue malicious compliance

'I can do this in my head': Teacher makes student show his work, tells him it should take up the whole page, cue malicious compliance

'When she eats her peas one at a time': 30+ silly reasons people broke up

'When she eats her peas one at a time': 30+ silly reasons people broke up

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Not a word was said, but my food stopped disappearing': Hospital employee stops coworker from stealing his food by using a classic dog training trick

'Not a word was said, but my food stopped disappearing': Hospital employee stops coworker from stealing his food by using a classic dog training trick

'You don't want to SEE these anymore? No problem!': Supervisor tells employee to stop being late, employee relays his words verbatim to HR and now no one ever gets reported late

'You don't want to SEE these anymore? No problem!': Supervisor tells employee to stop being late, employee relays his words verbatim to HR and now no one ever gets reported late

'You are too expensive': Boss fires employee, employee forces boss to compensate them for a full year and gets job at the competition

'You are too expensive': Boss fires employee, employee forces boss to compensate him for a full year and gets job at the competition

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'We settled for $75,000': Graphic designer enjoys an 'I-told-you-so' moment; after being denied a raise, he quits and buys up all of the company's .com domains for $1k, scoring a small fortune in court

'I need to go to the restroom, I'm going': Teacher gets suspended after refusing to let student with accommodations go to the bathroom

'I got HER suspended': Teacher gets suspended after refusing to let student with accommodations go to the bathroom

'I got laid off saying I wasn't necessary': Employee develops startup for two years, was promised shared, gets laid off right before the company launch

'I got laid off': Employee develops startup for two years, was promised shares, gets laid off right before the company launch

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'It was one of the most epic epiphanies of his angry life': Guy finds a ding on ‘his’ car, destroys the identical model parked next to it as revenge before realizing he was beating up his own car

'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with manager

'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with the manager

'Professional sleeper': 20+ jobs that pay you to do literally nothing

'Professional sleeper': 20+ jobs that pay you to do literally nothing