
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get him to come in, threatens termination

'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get her husband to come in, threatens termination

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'I said, "isn't it the cutest?"... He turned red': Suburban woman reclaims her property line with a garden gnome, shutting down her grouchy, nosy neighbors with a silly statue

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

Top Worst Landlords of the Week (September 9, 2023)

'Landlord [is] trying to scam me out of my security deposit': Top Worst Landlords of the Week (September 9, 2023)

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'The worst customer service we've experienced': AirBNB stiffs customer when host double books them and cancels their reservation AFTER check-in

'The worst customer service we've experienced': AirBNB stiffs customer when host double books them and cancels their reservation AFTER check-in

'I just wanted to share this evidence that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer': Small factory worker tries to enlighten her wealthy upper management

'I just wanted to share this evidence that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer': Small factory worker tries to enlighten her wealthy upper management

‘[The company] ended up getting less money for providing better services’: Tech savvy-millennial outsmarts internet salesperson trying to upsell her mom, gets her a 30% cheaper deal

‘[The company] ended up getting less money for providing better services’: Tech savvy-millennial outsmarts internet salesperson trying to upsell her mom, gets her a 30% cheaper deal

'Dude, get out from under the HOA's thumb': Guy sues HOA for water damage and wins, but HOA files bogus appeal

'Dude, get out from under the HOA's thumb': Guy sues HOA for water damage and wins, but HOA files bogus appeal

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'Over 400 hectares [burned]': Arrogant supervisor pushes his railroad workers to bend the rules on safety protocols; starts a raging wildfire, then gets justly fired for negligence

'I ripped off a terrible client': Guy overcharges to help clear out entitled Kevin's furniture, collects $25,000+

'I ripped off a terrible client': Guy overcharges to help clear out Kevin's furniture, collects $25,000+

The internet chimes in with suggestions for unconventional baby names if you really, really wanted to ruin their life, but wanted to maintain plausible deniability about having done it on purpose

The Internet's Top Picks for Ruining Baby Names (with Plausible Deniability)

'If you fall you're fired before you hit the ground': Roofer refuses to do dangerous job 35-feet in the air and gets written up, starts gathering photos for OSHA

'If you fall you're fired before you hit the ground': Roofer refuses to do dangerous job 35-feet in the air and gets written up, starts gathering photos for OSHA

'You started this': Guy spreads seafood all over his Dad's girlfriend's car after she dumps seafood in his house

'You started this': Guy spreads seafood all over his Dad's girlfriend's car after she dumps seafood in his house

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'I cost my surgeon her job': Heroic surgeon hooks it up for a desperate patient, committing insurance fraud to save their family $30,000

‘Moms in the '80s were built different’: Internet loves mom who went mafia-style on her daughter's bully and hired 2 kids his own age to “pick on”

‘Moms in the '80s were built different’: Internet loves mom who went mafia-style on her daughter's bully and hired 2 kids his own age to pick on